<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI TERHADAP DISIPLIN KERJA\r\nKARYAWAN PADA PT GRAMEDIA ASRI MEDIA\r\nCABANG BANDAR LAMPUNG"^^ . "Abstrak\r\n\r\nPT Gramedia Media Asri is a retail book, stationary, educational tools, and other\r\nmedia seller company. As a sales company of retail book, stationary, educational\r\ntools, and other media the employees demanded to give a satisfying service onto\r\ncustomer. A good communication process are needed well so the employees work\r\nas they mean to be. Communication needed to aim company objectives, and as a\r\nmedium that can motivate the employees to actively giving their idea, experience,\r\nand ability to done their jobs to ease the realization of employees good\r\nproductivity.\r\nThe problem that happened at PT Gramedia Asri Media Branch Bandar Lampung\r\nis the realization of sales that have not reached the target that is equal to 86.19%\r\nper month while the tolerance limit of 100%. Low levels of work discipline is\r\nshown through the research object is the high level of absenteeism that is equal to\r\n0.62% in Year 2009. Tolerance limits are given by PT Gramedia Asri Media UBL\r\nBranch of 0.50%. Lack of discipline berngakibatkan employee can not achieve the\r\nsales target, so that the problem formulated in this research is whether the\r\ncommunication has an influence on employee discipline at PT Gramedia Asri\r\nMedia Branch Bandar Lampung?\r\nThe purpose of this study was to determine the effect of communication on the\r\ndiscipline of employees at PT Gramedia Asri Media Branch Bandar\r\nLampung.Data used are primary data obtained directly from the PT Gramedia\r\nAsri Media UBL Branch within one year (2009) in the form of data on the number\r\nemployee absenteeism data, the period of meetings and media or communication\r\ndevices used by the company. In addition, data obtained from the questionnaire\r\ndistributed to 57 respondents of all employees of PT Gramedia Asri Media branch\r\nof Bandar Lampung.\r\nThe hypothesis proposed in this study is the existence of a positive influence on\r\nthe discipline of communication between workers at PT Gramedia Asri Media\r\nBranch Bandar Lampung\r\nThe analytical tool used in this study is a qualitative analysis and quantitative\r\nanalysis. Qualitative analysis was done by analyzing the problem based on some\r\ntheory of human resource management, especially regarding the influence of\r\ncommunication on work discipline, and then linked with data from the distributing\r\nquestionnaires to employees\r\nPT Gramedia Asri Media branch of Bandar Lampung.\r\nThe quantitative analysis performed using simple linear regression formula.\r\nKoefisisen standard regression of 0.342 or 34.2%. The result of simple regression\r\nequation as follows: Y = 25.920 +0.287 X. This means that if the communication\r\n(X) value is 0 then discipline the employee (Y) 25,920 positive value, and if\r\ncommunication has increased a variable then the variable of work discipline\r\nemployees has increased by 0287 means that for 28.7% of communication have an\r\ninfluence on employee discipline, while the remaining influenced by variables\r\noutside ini.Hal research this means that the rise or increased communication, the\r\ndiscipline of employees is increasing.\r\nQualitative analysis found that employees are pressured to superior leadership.\r\nThis question represents the variable effectiveness of communication. This shows\r\nan error message in the lead in delivering communication between superiors and\r\nsubordinates. The method of leadership in communication between the leadership\r\nwith employee raises employees become depressed. Leadership is less severe if\r\nthe employee made a mistake. Things like this certainly make the discipline of\r\nemployees in the company is not too good.\r\nHypothesis test obtained that the test is performed by looking at the numbers Sig.f\r\ncount on SPSS Anova table. Based on the calculation of SPSS, derived figures for\r\n0009 counted Sig.F <0.05 so that means that the hypothesis can be accepted\r\nwhich affect communication discipline workers at PT Gramedia Asri Media\r\nbranch of Bandar Lampung.\r\nThe advice can be given that leaders need to use effective means of\r\ncommunicating with employees so that employees are not depressed, so that the\r\ninformation given to employee well-conveyed. Leadership must be firm to the\r\nemployee if the employee made a mistake."^^ . "2010-01-23" . . . "Digital Library"^^ . . . . . . . . "Mey Jaroni"^^ . "061101192"^^ . "Mey Jaroni 061101192"^^ . . . . . . "PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI TERHADAP DISIPLIN KERJA\r\nKARYAWAN PADA PT GRAMEDIA ASRI MEDIA\r\nCABANG BANDAR LAMPUNG (File PDF)"^^ . . . "MEY JARONI 061101192 MANAJEMEN.pdf"^^ . . . "PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI TERHADAP DISIPLIN KERJA\r\nKARYAWAN PADA PT GRAMEDIA ASRI MEDIA\r\nCABANG BANDAR LAMPUNG (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI TERHADAP DISIPLIN KERJA\r\nKARYAWAN PADA PT GRAMEDIA ASRI MEDIA\r\nCABANG BANDAR LAMPUNG (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI TERHADAP DISIPLIN KERJA\r\nKARYAWAN PADA PT GRAMEDIA ASRI MEDIA\r\nCABANG BANDAR LAMPUNG (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI TERHADAP DISIPLIN KERJA\r\nKARYAWAN PADA PT GRAMEDIA ASRI MEDIA\r\nCABANG BANDAR LAMPUNG (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI TERHADAP DISIPLIN KERJA\r\nKARYAWAN PADA PT GRAMEDIA ASRI MEDIA\r\nCABANG BANDAR LAMPUNG (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #19400 \n\nPENGARUH KOMUNIKASI TERHADAP DISIPLIN KERJA \nKARYAWAN PADA PT GRAMEDIA ASRI MEDIA \nCABANG BANDAR LAMPUNG\n\n" . "text/html" . . . " " . .