title: INCREASING STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION ACHIEVEMENT OF NARRATIVE TEXT THROUGH CONTEXTUAL TEACHING AND LEARNING AT THE SECOND YEAR OF SMA PERSADA BANDAR LAMPUNG creator: 0643042024, M. KHADAFI subject: description: Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) is a concept that helps teachers relate subject matter content to real world situation and motivates students to make connections between knowledge and its application to the their lives as family members, citizens and workers. Reading is important and needed for the students, because by reading the students can get all the information around the world. To be a good reader, the students must have a good reading skill. Reading skill is important because it can help the students to get the ideas from the sources he or she read. Unfortunately, many students still do not have a good reading skill so they find the difficulties in getting the ideas or information from the sources. By using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) in the teaching and learning process, the researcher believes that it would make the students easier in getting the information from any sources, because Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) has seven elements which useful and helpful. This quantitative research is intended to find out whether there is an increase of students’ reading comprehension achievement of narrative text in intensive reading after students are taught by using Contextual Teaching and Learning. The research was conducted in SMA Persada Bandar Lampung from November 2010 to December 2010. Class XI IPA 1 was chosen as experimental class. In conducting the research, the researcher used pretest-posttest design. The pretest was given to know the students’ ability in comprehending the narrative text while posttest was given to know how far the students’ ability after the students were taught by using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL). After administering posttest, it was found that Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) increased students’ ability in comprehending narrative text. It can be seen from the students’ total scores which increased from 2110 to 2465 in pretest and posttest. And their mean increase from 60.28 up to 70.42. Their scores were analyzed by using repeated measure T-test of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 15. In addition it was also found that students’ score highly increased in the element of Learning Community. Since Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) 2 can increase students’ ability in reading comprehension of narrative text, the English teachers are suggested to apply it in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text. And for the teacher who would like to use this technique, she/he should have a good class management because the teacher should be able to handle the students in learning community element. date: 2016-01-23 type: Artikel type: PeerReviewed format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/19594/1/0643042024-abstrak.pdf format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/19594/2/0643042024-kesimpulan.pdf format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/19594/3/0643042024-pendahuluan.pdf identifier: 0643042024, M. KHADAFI (2016) INCREASING STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION ACHIEVEMENT OF NARRATIVE TEXT THROUGH CONTEXTUAL TEACHING AND LEARNING AT THE SECOND YEAR OF SMA PERSADA BANDAR LAMPUNG. Digilib Library. relation: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/19594/