%A WINDA INDRIANI NN %J Digital Library %T CADGER REACTION FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF SAT POL PP BANDAR LAMPUNG GOVERNMENT IN POLICING CADGER (Study in Bambu Kuning Market Bandar Lampung) %X This research has the objective to get deeper analysis regarding reaction from cadger to the Sat Pol PP Bandar Lampung Performance in policing cadger in markets around the Bambu Kuning market. Research method that writer used is a qualitative research method using case studies, while for the data collection techniques used through indepth interviews, observation, and literature. Informants in this research were taken from two people from cadger, one person from the Cadgers United and one person from Sat Pol PP Government of Bandar Lampung. From this research revealed that the reactions of informants due performance against Sat Pol PP by the Government of Bandar Lampung is 50% reject and 50% accept. Informants who give accept reaction due the performance of Sat Pol PP of Bandar Lampung Government in policing cadger think that?s this policing was have good intention for strategic development and security reason, but for Informants who give rejection reaction for Sat Pol PP in policing Cadge think that?s the policing way that they use is too repressive for them. %D 2012 %L eprints19804