@article{eprints19839, month = {Januari}, title = {IMPACT OF CHANGES IN STATUS VILLAGES INTO SUB DISTRICT ON DEVELOPMENT (Studies in Kelurahan Tugusari Kecamatan Sumber Jaya District of West Lampung)}, author = {Hendro Adiprayogo 0516021035}, year = {2010}, journal = {Digital Library}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/19839/}, abstract = {Granting autonomy to the district allows the emergence of regional variations in the model of government. West Lampung regency government granting autonomy to address this by issuing a policy formation by changing the status of rural villages into urban villages through the West Lampung District Regulation No. 17 year 2004 about the creation, deletion and / or merger and the organizational structure and working procedures of the district. The implementation of these local regulations, the Village Tugusari that previously existed as the village turned into a Sub district. The purpose of this research is to study and analyze how the impact caused by change in the status of development activities in sub district Tugusari. The method used in this study is a qualitative method that is as a series of activities or processes to capture data or information to know a problem in the aspects and dynamics of the relationship between the observed phenomena, using scientific logic. Types of data used are secondary data from documents, as well as primary data, including in-depth interviews to uncover the problems that occurred. Analysis techniques are using data reduction, data presentation and data verification. Based on research results show that the effects and changes in the status of the village became Sub district have a negative impact on development activities in Sub district Tugusari, it is because after changing its status to a village development activities has decreased due to the many development programs are not running. To overcome such conditions, the Government is expected to be more active in Tugusari Village again to propose and submit the programs of development to the West Lampung District Government and to the Government of West Lampung district can provide projects and programs for implement development in Sub district Tugusari.} }