<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "THE INFLUENCE OF ORGANIZATION CULTURE\r\nTOWARDS EMPLOYEE WORK COMMITMENT\r\nIN PT LAUTAN TEDUH INTERNIAGA\r\n(MAJOR DEALER OF YAMAHA) AT BANDAR LAMPUNG"^^ . "Abstrak\r\n\r\nPT Lautan Teduh Interniaga (Major dealer of Yamaha) at Bandar Lampung to be private enterprise\r\nthat active in canalization motorcycle brand of Yamaha at Bandar Lampung which developing\r\ngood culture to every employees.\r\nProblem that faced by PT Lautan Teduh Interniaga (Major dealer of Yamaha) is organization’s\r\nweakness culture in employee commitment in job level achievement that causes the employee has\r\ndifficult in working as maximally, begin from attendance level less effective that is achieve 0, 59%\r\n(table. 3) and lack of achievement in realization of target sale volume 2009, with sale volume\r\ndepreciation in September as big as 77% (table. 2).\r\nTherefore, the problem formulated in this research is whether the organization culture has positive\r\ninfluence towards employee work commitment in PT Lautan Teduh Interniaga (Major dealer of\r\nYamaha) at Bandar Lampung?\r\nTool analysis that used is simple linear regression to see organization culture influence magnitude\r\ntowards employee work commitment. Based on the calculation result is got value y =\r\n9,101+0,622x. It means that organization culture have positive influential towards employee work\r\ncommitment. Positive value in coefficient shows the connection between organization culture\r\nvariable with unidirectional employee work commitment, so it can create the employee\r\ncommitment. This statement is supported by determination coefficient value (R Square) as big as\r\n0,387 or 38, 7%. It means that the organization culture influence magnitude towards employee\r\nwork commitment as big as 37, 1%, while the rest 62, 8% explained by variable other outside\r\norganization culture. Besides that, value t-account (6,051) > t-table (2,002) and significant taccount is as big as 000. It means to answer this research hypothesis that has influential\r\norganization culture towards employee work commitment PT Lautan Teduh Interniaga (Major\r\ndealer of Yamaha) at Bandar Lampung.\r\nThe suggestion that given to PT Lautan Teduh Interniaga (Major dealer of Yamaha) at Bandar\r\nLampung is Company should increase organization culture to the employee and it must be able to\r\ndefend organization culture in the employee with then do good connection and give facilities with\r\nexample either from every higher to watch over employee work commitment continuity."^^ . "2010-01-25" . . . "Digital Library"^^ . . . . . . . . "SHANTIKA LUPITA SARI"^^ . "0641011128"^^ . "SHANTIKA LUPITA SARI 0641011128"^^ . . . . . . "THE INFLUENCE OF ORGANIZATION CULTURE\r\nTOWARDS EMPLOYEE WORK COMMITMENT\r\nIN PT LAUTAN TEDUH INTERNIAGA\r\n(MAJOR DEALER OF YAMAHA) AT BANDAR LAMPUNG (File PDF)"^^ . . . "Shantika Lupita Sari.pdf"^^ . . . "THE INFLUENCE OF ORGANIZATION CULTURE\r\nTOWARDS EMPLOYEE WORK COMMITMENT\r\nIN PT LAUTAN TEDUH INTERNIAGA\r\n(MAJOR DEALER OF YAMAHA) AT BANDAR LAMPUNG (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "THE INFLUENCE OF ORGANIZATION CULTURE\r\nTOWARDS EMPLOYEE WORK COMMITMENT\r\nIN PT LAUTAN TEDUH INTERNIAGA\r\n(MAJOR DEALER OF YAMAHA) AT BANDAR LAMPUNG (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "THE INFLUENCE OF ORGANIZATION CULTURE\r\nTOWARDS EMPLOYEE WORK COMMITMENT\r\nIN PT LAUTAN TEDUH INTERNIAGA\r\n(MAJOR DEALER OF YAMAHA) AT BANDAR LAMPUNG (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "THE INFLUENCE OF ORGANIZATION CULTURE\r\nTOWARDS EMPLOYEE WORK COMMITMENT\r\nIN PT LAUTAN TEDUH INTERNIAGA\r\n(MAJOR DEALER OF YAMAHA) AT BANDAR LAMPUNG (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "THE INFLUENCE OF ORGANIZATION CULTURE\r\nTOWARDS EMPLOYEE WORK COMMITMENT\r\nIN PT LAUTAN TEDUH INTERNIAGA\r\n(MAJOR DEALER OF YAMAHA) AT BANDAR LAMPUNG (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #20042 \n\nTHE INFLUENCE OF ORGANIZATION CULTURE \nTOWARDS EMPLOYEE WORK COMMITMENT \nIN PT LAUTAN TEDUH INTERNIAGA \n(MAJOR DEALER OF YAMAHA) AT BANDAR LAMPUNG\n\n" . "text/html" . . . " " . .