title: ANALYSIS OF SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (SEO) METHOD UTILIZATION TO INCREASE SITE TRAFFIC VOLUME creator: NN, Arista Tiara Madasari subject: description: Popularity of web site can b e measured by inc oming tra�c amount. The reason is, tra�c determined a sites viability on the i nternet. Popularize a site is not kind of an instant thing, b ecause it needs time, pro cess, p ersistence, knowledge and creativity. Marketing a site needs b oth of various techniques and tips. The combination from b oth techniques and tips eventually known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) metho d which is applied in this research to increase site s tra�c volume. This research is carried out to four sites that are two sites named notes.bahankuliah.com and materikuliahsaya. co.cc which applied SEO metho d, and two other sites named tugaskuliahsaya.co.c c and catatan.bahankuliah.com are not applied SEO metho d. The results are obtained, two sites which applied SEO metho d have higher average amount of tra�c than another two sites. In six weeks, the average numb er of tra�c sites notes.bahankuliah.com is 172,5, sites materikuliahsaya.co.cc is 148, sites tugaskuliahsaya.c o.cc is 40,16 and sites catatan.bahankuliah.com i s 19,33. Keywords: Tra�c, Sites, Search Engine Optimization date: 2012-01-26 type: Artikel type: PeerReviewed format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/20538/1/Analisis%20Pemanfaatan%20Metode%20SEO%20Untuk%20Peningkatan%20Volume%20Traffic%20Situs.pdf identifier: NN, Arista Tiara Madasari (2012) ANALYSIS OF SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (SEO) METHOD UTILIZATION TO INCREASE SITE TRAFFIC VOLUME. Digital Library. relation: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/20538/