@misc{eprints20635, month = {Desember}, title = {EFEK KURATIF PEMBERIAN SUPLEMEN JUS BUAH NAGA PUTIH (Hylocereus undatus) TERHADAP MOTILITAS, JUMLAH, DAN MORFOLOGI SPERMATOZOA TIKUS PUTIH (Rattus norvegicus) JANTAN GALUR Sprague dawley YANG DIINDUKSI SIPROTERON ASETAT }, author = {1218011127 Restiko Maleo Fibullah }, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN}, year = {2015}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/20635/}, abstract = { Latar Belakang: Infertilitas adalah penyakit sistem reproduksi sebagai kegagalan mencapai kehamilan klinis setelah 12 bulan atau lebih dari hubungan seksual tanpa kondom biasa. Infertilitas terjadi lebih dari 20\% pada populasi indonesia. Perlu dicari obat anti infertilitas yang aman dan dapat memperbaiki kualitas sperma yaitu menggunakan suplemen jus buah naga putih. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian suplemen jus buah naga putih terhadap motilitas, jumlah, dan morfologi spermatozoa tikus jantan yang diinduksi siproteron asetat. Metode: Penelitian menggunakan 24 tikus dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok. K1 diberi pakan standar, P1 diberi jus buah naga putih 1 ml selama 24 hari, P2 diinduksi siproteron asetat dosis 2 mg selama 7 hari, dan P3 diinduksi siproteron asetat 2 mg selama 7 hari kemudian diberi jus buah naga putih 1 ml selama 24 hari. Hasil Penelitian: Rerata persen motilitas spermatozoa K, P1, P2, dan P3 adalah 58{$\pm$}8,37, 90,33{$\pm$}10,89, 57,33{$\pm$}31,33, dan 82,33{$\pm$}14,8. Rerata jumlah spermatozoa adalah 44,4{$\pm$}10,04, 70,8{$\pm$}25,95, 48{$\pm$}23,58, dan 91,2{$\pm$}47,72. Rerata morfologi normal spermatozoa adalah 61,8{$\pm$}8,87, 64,8{$\pm$}12,83, 45,4{$\pm$}19,01, dan 63,4{$\pm$}3,58. Simpulan: Jus buah naga putih dapat meningkatkan motilitas, jumlah, dan morfologi spermatozoa Kata kunci: Infertilitas, jus buah naga putih, siproteron asetat, spermatozoa Background: Infertility is a disease of the reproductive system as a failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. Infertility occurs more than 20\% of the population in Indonesia. Need to be sought infertility drugs that are safe and can improve sperm quality by white dragon fruit juice supplement. This study aims to determine effect of supplementation white dragon fruit juice on motility, concentration, and morphology of male rats spermatozoa induced cyproterone acetate. Methods: Study used 24 rats were divided into 4 groups. K1 fed standard, P1 given juice white dragon fruit 1 ml for 24 days, P2 induced cyproterone acetate 2 mg for 7 days, and P3 are induced cyproterone acetate 2 mg for 7 days first and then supplemented juice white dragon fruit 1 ml for 24 days. Results: The mean percent sperm motility K, P1, P2, and P3 was 58{$\pm$}8.37, 90.33{$\pm$}10.89, 57.33{$\pm$}31.33, and 82.33{$\pm$}14.8. Mean number of spermatozoa was 44.4{$\pm$}10.04, 70.8{$\pm$}25.95, 48{$\pm$}23.58, and 91.2{$\pm$}47.72. Mean percent of normal morphology spermatozoa was 61.8{$\pm$}8.87, 64,8{$\pm$}12,83, 45.4{$\pm$}19.01, and 63.4{$\pm$}3.58. Conclusion: White dragon fruit juice can increase the motility, concentration, and morphology spermatozoa. Keywords: Cyproterone acetate, infertility, spermatozoa, white dragon fruit juice } }