@misc{eprints20650, month = {Desember}, title = {THE USE OF LEARNING STRATEGIES IN READING COMPREHENSION BY THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS AT SMA N 1 GEDONG TATAAN}, author = {1113042050 Lia Anggraini Sari}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN}, year = {2015}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/20650/}, abstract = {Language learners have their own learning strategy in learning a languange. Language learners? capability of using a wide variety of language learning strategies appropriately can improve their language skills. Specifically, language learning strategies play important roles in one of receptive skills i.e., reading skill. The students need to approach the learning strategies that is appropriate for them, so that they can easily comprehend the text. The research is aimed to find out whether or not there is any significant difference between successful and unsuccessful readers in using different learning strategies in reading comprehension. This research was a quantitative study. The subjects of the research were 64 students in second grade of SMAN 1 Gedong Tataan. Language learning strategy questionnaires (LLSQ) and reading test were used to collect the data. The data were analyzed using One Way Anova. The results showed that there was no significant difference between successful and unsuccessful readers in using different learning strategies. In addition, metacognitive strategy was most frequently employed by the students (48.43\%), followed by social strategy (29.69\%), and cognitive strategy (21.88\%). This research also found out that the successful readers most frequently used cognitive strategies when they comprehend the English texts, and the unsuccessful readers most frequently used metacognitive strategies.} }