creators_name: 1013135003, Mia Amalina type: article datestamp: 2016-05-18 06:44:39 lastmod: 2016-05-18 06:44:39 metadata_visibility: show title: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY THROUGH GUESSING GAME IN CLASS 3 BILAL BIN RABBAH OF SDIT BAITUL MUSLIM WAY JEPARA EAST LAMPUNG ispublished: pub subjects: General full_text_status: restricted abstract: Theoretically, learning English vocabulary is complex since this particular elements of the target language has many components to scrutinize. They are, among others, components dealing with to do part of speech such as, noun, verb, adjective and adverb. It is very common that most of learners are not successful in developing their vocabulary, especially in class 3 Bilal bin Rabbah of SDIT Baitul Muslim. Because of that, the researcher did the research entitled “Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through Guessing Game in Class 3 Bilal bin Rabbah of SDIT Baitul Muslim, Way Jepara, East lampung”. The objectives of the research were to find out whether the guessing game technique was applicable to improve the students’ vocabulary achievement especially in noun and verb and to increase the students’ participation during the teaching learning process while guessing game technique was implemented. The research was conducted at SDIT Baitul Muslim. The subject of the research was students of third grade in academic year 2012/ 2013 which consisted of 22 students. ii This classroom action research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning, action, observation and interpretation, analysis and reflection. The researcher used indicators dealing with the learning product that covered the students’ score and learning process, which covered the students’ participation during the teaching learning process. Moreover, those indicators were achieved if the students’ score had reached 60 and 80% for the students’ participation. To collect the data of the learning process and learning product, the writer used vocabulary test and observation sheet as the instruments. In the students’ vocabulary test in cycle 1, only 12 students (54.54%) could get score of ≥ 60. This condition made the second cycle was conducted. Surprisingly, 18 students (81.81% ) of the students could get the score of≥ 60 and passed KKM in the second cycle. For the learning process, that is, the students’ participation during the teaching learning process, in cycle 1 only 14 students (63.63%) did activity in teaching learning process. Meanwhile in cycle 2 there were 18 students (81.81%) who did activity in teaching learning process. Referring to the result of the research above, it could be concluded that the guessing game technique was applicable to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery in understanding noun and verb. Teaching using guessing game technique also improved the students’ vocabulary achievement and the students’ participation during teaching and learning process. date: 2016-02-11 date_type: published publication: digilib library refereed: TRUE citation: 1013135003, Mia Amalina (2016) IMPROVING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY THROUGH GUESSING GAME IN CLASS 3 BILAL BIN RABBAH OF SDIT BAITUL MUSLIM WAY JEPARA EAST LAMPUNG. digilib library. document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: