TY - GEN CY - UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG ID - eprints21022 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/21022/ A1 - SITI WAHYUNI , (1117041042) Y1 - 2016/01/25/ N2 - Telah direalisasikan sistem telemetri pengukuran suhu dan kelembaban udara menggunakan Temperature/Humidity Sensor (SHT11) dengan memanfaatkan RF APC220. Sistem telemetri ini dikendalikan oleh mikrokontroler Atmega128 dan diuji dengan alat ukur standar seperti termometer dan higrometer digital. Sistem ini memanfaatkan sel surya 20 WP dan aki 12 V 12Ah sebagai sumber tegangan sehingga dapat dioperasikan di daerah pedalaman selama 24 jam. Pengujian dilakukan di daerah dataran tinggi Pesawaran dan dataran rendah di pantai Tirtaysa. Kemudian, nilai hasil pengukuran ditampilkan pada Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) dan Personal Computer (PC) serta tersimpan pada micro Secure Digital ( micro SD). Pengambilan data dilakukan selama 24 jam dengan setiap satu jam diamati. Dalam penelitian ini, sensor mampu mendeteksi suhu terendah sebesar 20,65°C dan suhu tertinggi sebesar 41,79°C. Sementara, kelembaban udara terendah sebesar 37,36% dan tertinggi sebesar 94,94%. Kata kunci : Kelembaban udara, radio frekuensi APC220, SHT11, suhu. abstract The telemetry system has been realized for measuring the temperature and humidity using SHT11 sensors by utilizing the RF APC220. The telemetry system has been controlled by a microcontroller ATmega128 and tested by standard measuring devices such as thermometers and digital hygrometer. The system used solar cells 20 WP and 12V 12Ah battery as a voltage source, so that can be operated in rural areas for 24 hours. Tests conducted in the Pesawaran as highlands and the Tirtaysa beach as lowlands. Then the value of the measurement results displayed on the LCD, and PC and stored in a micro SD. Data is collected for 24 hours with every hour were observed. In this study, the sensor is able to detect the lowest temperature of 20.65°C and the highest temperature of 41.79°C. While the humidity is lowest at 37.36% and the highest was 94.94%. Keyword : APC220 radio frequency, humidity, SHT11, temperature. PB - FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM TI - RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM TELEMETRI PENGUKURAN SUHU DAN KELEMBABAN UDARA MENGGUNAKAN SENSOR SHT11 DENGAN MEMANFAATKAN RF APC220 AV - restricted ER -