@misc{eprints21169, month = {Februari}, title = {THE IMPLEMENTATION OF GUESSING MEANING FROM CONTEXT IN IMPROVING STUDENTS? READING SKILL AT THE SECOND GRADE OF SMPN 6 METRO }, author = { (1113042025) ERIZKHA HARDANTI}, address = {LAMPUNG UNIVERSITY }, publisher = {Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan}, year = {2016}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/21169/}, abstract = {ABSTRACT Lampung University This study is aimed at (1) investigating whether there is a significant difference of students? reading skill before and after being taught by using Guessing Meaning from Context strategy. (2) finding out In terms of strategies for Guessing Meaning from Context which strategies produced better achievement by the students. To achieve this goal, the researcher carried out quantitative study with one group Pre-test Post-test Design. The population of this research was second grade students of SMPN 6 Metro in 2014/2015 academic year. The sample of this research was one class teken by the researcher as the experimental class and as try out class, that was class VIII E. This class consisted of 30 students. The instrument for collecting data in this research was reading test. Based on the calculation of the test, the results of data analysis showed that the students? mean score in the pre-test and post-test were 55.60 and 71.93. It means that there was increase of students? score, 16.33. The results of hypothesis test showed that the significance value (2- tailed) was 0.000 in a level of (p{\ensuremath{<}}0.05). It could be concluded that H was accepted: Thus, the null-hypothesis was rejected. Besides, Guessing Meaning from Context strategy also increased the students? reading skill in all aspects of reading comprehension. Moreover, Guessing Meaning from Context strategy mostly increased the students? reading skill by surrounding words, pictures, experience, and imagination as the strategies, in which their ability in that aspect was 72.83. It could be claimed that teaching reading by using Guessing Meaning from Context strategy gave effect on students? reading skill. If the teacher teaches the students by using Guessing Meaning from Contaxt strategy, the students? ability in reading skill will increase significantly. . Keywords: Guessing Meaning from Context Strategy, Implementation, Reading skill. 1 i } }