%0 Generic %A FITRIA MERIZA , 1014023057 %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2016 %F eprints:21216 %I FAKULTAS PERTANIAN %T SIKAP DAN KEPUASAN KONSUMEN RUMAH TANGGA TERHADAP TEH CELUP HITAM SARIWANGI DAN SOSRO DI BANDAR LAMPUNG %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/21216/ %X ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbandingan antara sikap dan kepuasan konsumen teh celup hitam Sariwangi dan teh celup hitam Sosro pada rumah tangga menengah atas dan menengah bawah serta hubungan antara golongan rumah tangga dengan sikap dan kepuasan konsumen terhadap teh hitam tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Bandar Lampung dengan menggunakan metode survei. Kecamatan Kemiling mewakili kecamatan menengah bawah dan Kecamatan Sukarame mewakili kecamatan menengah atas. Kemudian terpilih Kelurahan Beringin Raya mewakili Kecamatan Kemiling dan Kelurahan Sukarame Baru mewakili Kecamatan Sukarame dengan total responden 60 rumah tangga yang terdiri dari 30 responden teh celup hitam Sariwangi dan 30 responden teh celup hitam Sosro. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan sampel gugus sederhana dan sampel kuota. Data diambil pada September hingga November 2014. Analisis data menggunakan analisis Multiatribut Fishbein, Indeks Kepuasan Konsumen, dan analisis Tabulasi Silang Multitabel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden lebih menyukai teh celup Sariwangi dibandingkan teh celup Sosro. Pada golongan rumah tangga menengah atas, teh celup hitam Sariwangi lebih disukai dibandingkan Sosro, sedangkan pada golongan rumah tangga menengah bawah teh celup hitam Sosro lebih disukai dibandingkan Sariwangi. Responden Sariwangi merasa sangat puas sedangkan responden Sosro hanya merasa puas dengan atribut yang dimiliki ke dua teh celup hitam tersebut. Tingkat kepuasan yang diberikan oleh teh celup hitam Sariwangi lebih tinggi dibandingkan teh celup hitam Sosro baik pada golongan menengah atas maupun menengah bawah. Walau demikian, tidak terdapat hubungan nyata antara golongan rumah tangga dengan sikap dan kepuasan konsumen terhadap teh celup Sariwangi dan teh celup Sosro. Kata kunci : Kepuasan, Sikap, Teh Celup Sariwangi, Teh Celup Sosro, ABSTRACT This study was purposed to analyze the comparison between attitudes and satisfaction of customer black teabag Sariwangi and Sosro in upper and lower middle classes household and the relationship between the group of households with customer’s attitude and satisfaction to the black teabag. This research was conducted in Bandar Lampung and used survey methods. District of Kemiling represented lower middle sub-district and Sukarame represented upper middle sub-district. Then Beringin Raya Village represented District of Kemiling and Sukarame Baru Village represented the District of Sukarame with total of 60 household respondents that consist of 30 black teabag Sariwangi respondents and 30 black teabag Sosro respondents. Sampling were taken by using simple cluster sampling and quota sampling. Data was taken in September to November 2014. Data were analyzed by Multiatribut Fishbein analysis, Constumer Satisfaction Index, and Cross Tabulation Multitable analysis. The results showed that the respondents prefered teabag Sariwangi compared teabag Sosro. In the upper middle class household, black teabag Sariwangi were prefered over Sosro, while in the lower middle class households black teabag Sosro were prefered over teabag Sariwangi. Sariwangi respondents were very satisfied while respondents Sosro only satisfied with the attributes of the two black teabag. The level of satisfaction that were given by black teabag Sariwangi was higher than black teabag Sosro on the upper and lower middle class. However, there was no real connection between the group of households with customer’s attitude and satisfaction to teabag Sariwangi and teabag Sosro. Keywords: Attitude, Satisfaction , Teabag Sariwangi, Teabag Sosro