%0 Generic
%A TATI BAINA GULTOM, 1220011011
%C Universitas Lampung
%D 2016
%F eprints:21614
%I Magister Ilmu Lingkungan
%U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/21614/
%X Subdistrict Tanjung Karang Pusat has 17 water depots and entirely feasible  have not a certificate of hygiene yet. The wells around the river of Way Awi and  Way Simpur smelled and yellowish so its encourage increased consumption of  refill drinking water in Sub Tanjung Karang Pusat. Depot drinking water are not  routinely conduct laboratory test checks of the quality of drinking water refill.  Supervision of the Department of Health is not maximized in overseeing the  safety of drinking water refill in District Tanjung Karang Pusat.  This study aims to evaluate the quality of refill drinking water in Sub  Tanjungkarang Pusat through the study of the physical, chemical and  microbiological. Research conducted at the Ministry of Health Tanjungkarang  Laboratorioum Polytechnic. The research method is descriptive. Total population  of the entire depot of drinking water in the district amounted to 17 depot  Tanjungkarang Pusat. The total sample are 7 depots. The instrument used  questionnaire and laboratory tests of the examination of TDS, turbidity,  temperature, pH, iron, hardness, chloride, nitrite, E. coli and Coliform.  The result concluded that the raw water source is not eligible, the entire  sample of raw water containing the bacteria E.coli and Coliform. Drinking water  that is produced does not meet the requirements, the entire sample Coliform  drinking water contains bacteria and 28.5% contain E.coli bacteria. Facilities and  infrastructure are used 85.72% are not eligible. Supervision of drinking water  depot by Health Officers obtained 66.77% of data that is not good. Suggestions  need for local regulations on the supervision of drinking water depot, necessary to  include an external monitoring program of drinking water depot in the budget plan  of Bandar Lampung City Health Department and the need for training for  managers of drinking water depot.  Keywords: Refill drinking water, drinking water depot, District Tanjungkarang  Pusat.    Kecamatan Tanjungkarang Pusat memiliki 17 depot air minum dan  seluruhnya belum memiliki sertifikat layak hygiene. Sumur warga disekitar sungai  Way Awi dan sungai Way Simpur berwarna kuning berbau mendorong  meningkatnya konsumsi air minum isi ulang di Kecamatan Tanjungkarang Pusat.  Depot air minum tidak rutin melakukan pemeriksaan uji laboratorium kualitas air  minum isi ulang. Pengawasan Dinas Kesehatan belum maksimal dalam  mengawasi keamanan air minum isi ulang di Kecamatan Tanjungkarang Pusat.  Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi kualitas air minum isi ulang di  Kecamatan Tanjungkarang Pusat melalui kajian fisik, kimia dan mikrobiologi.  Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorioum Poltekkes Kemenkes Tanjungkarang.  Metode penelitian adalah deskriptif. Jumlah populasi seluruh depot air minum di  Kecamatan Tanjungkarang Pusat berjumlah 17 depot. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 7  depot. Instrumen yang digunakan lembar kuesioner dan pemeriksaan laboratorium  berupa pemeriksaan TDS, kekeruhan, suhu, pH, besi, kesadahan, klorida, nitrit,  E.coli dan Coliform.  Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa sumber air baku tidak memenuhi  syarat, seluruh sampel air baku mengandung bakteri E.coli dan Coliform. Air  minum yang diproduksi tidak memenuhi syarat, seluruh sampel air minum  mengandung bakteri Coliform dan 28,5% mengandung bakteri E.coli. Sarana dan  prasarana yang digunakan 85,72% tidak memenuhi syarat. Pengawasan depot air  minum oleh Petugas Kesehatan didapat data bahwa 66,77% pengawasan tidak  baik. Saran perlu adanya peraturan daerah tentang pengawasan depot air minum,  perlu dicantumkan program pengawasan eksternal depot air minum dalam  Rencana Kerja Anggaran Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bandar Lampung dan perlu  adanya pelatihan bagi pengelola depot air minum.  Kata Kunci: Air minum isi ulang, depot air minum, Kecamatan Tanjungkarang  Pusat.