creators_name: Hadi Prasojo, HANRIADI type: other datestamp: 2014-07-05 04:45:42 lastmod: 2015-10-30 03:00:12 metadata_visibility: show title: HUBUNGAN SUPERVISI KEPALA SEKOLAH DAN MOTIVASI KERJA GURU DENGAN KINERJAGURU SMP NEGERI DI KECAMATAN GADINGREJO ispublished: pub subjects: LB full_text_status: restricted abstract: Dari pengamatan penulis di beberapa SMP Negeri di kecamatan Gadingrejo nampak sebagian guru belum menunjukan kinerja yang optimal dalam melaksanakan tugasnya disekolah, walaupun mereka telah mnerima tunjangan profesi, yang tentunya menambah kesejahteraan kehidupan mereka sehingga guru akan lebih konsentrasi dengan tugas dan kewajibanya di sekolah, akan tetap kenyataanya kinerja mereka belum optimal, apakah mungkin hal ini ada hubunganya dengan supervisi kepala sekolah dan motivasi kerja. Oleh karenanya penulis tertarikuntukmelaksanakan penelitian apakah ada hubunganya dengan supervisi kepala sekolah dan motivasi kerja dengan kinerja guru. Tujuandaripenelitianiniadalahuntukmengetahuihubunganantarasupervisi kepalasekolahdanmotivasikerja guru dengankinerja guru SMPNegeri di Kecamatan Gadingrejo. Populasidalampenelitianinisebanyak196 orang guru dan yang dijadikansampelsebanyak 25% daripopulasiatausebanyak49 orang guru yang tersebar di 4 SMP Negeri di Kecamatan Gadingrejo. Penelitianinimerupakanpenelitian kwantitatifyaitupenelitian yang bertujuan untuk menyelidiki peristiwa yang telah terjadi dan kemudian merunut ke belakang untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya peristiwa tersebut.Pengambilan data dalampenelitianinimenggunakanangketdeganskalaLikert.Sedangkananalisisdatanyamenggunakanpersamaanregresi linier sederhanadanregresiganda.Untukmengetahuikebermaknaanpersamaanregresidigunakanuji Tdanuji F Hasilpenelitianmenunjukanbahwahubungan supervisikepalasekolahdengankinerja guru SMPNegeri di Kecamatan Gadingrejosebesar73,1%hubunganmotivasikerja guru dengan kinerja guru SMPNegeri di Kecamatan Gadingrejosebesar64,5% kemudianhubungansecarabersama-samaantarasupervisikepalasekolahdanmotivasikerja guru terhadap kinerja guru SMPNegeri di Kecamatan Gadingrejosebesar82,1%.sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa supervisi kepala sekolah dan motivasi kerja guru dengan kinerja guru memiliki hubungan yang positif dan signifikan. Kata kunci:Supervisikepalasekolah, , motivasikerja guru, kinerja guru From writer’s observation, in several Junior High Schools in the district Gadingrejo, it seems that most of teachers have not show their optimal performance in carrying out their duties at school, even though they had received the additional sallary, which would add to welfare of their lives so that teachers will be more concentrated with their duties and responsibilities in school. But in fact, the performance is not optimal, is it possible it has relationship with the supervision of the principal and work motivation. Therefore, the authors are interested in carrying out research about whether or not it has relationship with the principal supervisory and work motivation of the teachers. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the principal supervisory and motivation of teachers working with teacher performance at Junior High Schools in the district of Gadingrejo. The population, or as many as 49 teachers spread over 4 Junior High School in District of Gadingrejo. This research is a quantitative research study that aimed to investigate the events that have occured and then trace backwards to determine the factors that cause the occurance of these events. Data collecting in this study was using a questionnaire with Likert scale. While the analysis of the data was using a simple linear regression equation and multiple regression. To determine the significance of the regression equation, the “T and F” test were used. The result showed that the principal supervisory was related with the performance of Junior High School theacher in the district of Gadingrejo in the amount of 73,1%. Motivation of teachers working was related with the performance of Junior High School teacher in the district of Gadingrejo for 64,5%. Then jointly relationship between the two factors were related at 82,1%. Therefore,it can be concluded that the Principal Suvervisory and Work’s Motivation of teachers with teacher performance has positive anf significant relationship. Keywords:Principal Suvervisory,Teacher Work’s Motivation, Teacher’s Work Performance. date: 2014-09-14 date_type: published institution: UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG department: FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN thesis_type: masters related_url_type: pub citation: Hadi Prasojo, HANRIADI (2014) HUBUNGAN SUPERVISI KEPALA SEKOLAH DAN MOTIVASI KERJA GURU DENGAN KINERJAGURU SMP NEGERI DI KECAMATAN GADINGREJO. UNSPECIFIED. document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: