%A 1114131043 FADLOLI AKHMAD %T KINERJA PERUSAHAAN PT MOMENTA AGRIKULTURA (AMAZING FARM) KEBUN CISARONI, LEMBANG, JAWA BARAT DENGAN PENDEKATAN BALANCED SCORECARD %X Suatu perusahaan didirikan bertujuan untuk menjadi pemimpin bisnis di bidangnya, begitupun PT Momenta Agrikultura. Pencapaian berapa level perusahaan yang telah tercapai perlu diukur menggunakan alat ukur yang lengkap seperti Balanced scorecard. Pengukuran kinerja yang tidak hanya pada aspek finansial saja tetapi juga aspek non finansial. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kinerja perusahaan yang meliputi keuangan, pelanggan, proses bisnis internal dan kepuasan kerja karyawan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kebun Cisaroni, PT Momenta Agrikultura (Amazing Farm), Lembang, Jawa Barat. Metode analisis dengan pendekatan kartu skor berimbang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada Bulan Agustus 2015. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Jumlah responden kepuasan karyawan sebanyak 25 responden diperoleh secara sengaja yaitu manajer, supervisor, dan penanggungjawab rumah kaca. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja keuangan di Kebun Cisaroni PT Momenta Agrikultura termasuk kategori buruk dengan skor yang diperoleh satu (1) dari skor maksimal enam (6). Kinerja pelanggan termasuk kategori baik dengan skor yang diperoleh lima (5) dari skor maksimal enam (6). Kinerja proses bisnis internal termasuk kategori cukup baik dengan skor yang diperoleh empat (4) dari skor maksimal enam (6). Kinerja kepuasan kerja karyawan termasuk kategori cukup baik dengan skor yang diperoleh dua (2) dari skor maksimal empat (4). Kinerja kebun secara keseluruhan menunjukkan kinerja cukup baik. Kata kunci: balanced scorecard, kinerja, perusahaan hidroponik ABSTRACT A company founded to become a business leader in their field, as well as PT Momenta Agrikultura. The achievement of the company level has been achieved, needs to be measured using a complete measuring instrument such as balanced scorecard. Measurement performance is not only the financial aspects but also non-financial aspects. Based on this, the purposes of this research were to know financial performance, costumers performance, internal business process performance, and employee satisfaction. This research was conducted at Cisaroni Garden, PT Momenta Agrikultukultura (Amazing Farm), Lembang, West Java. Analysis method by Balanced Scorecard approach. This research is a case study. The data was taken on August 2015. The data was analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis. The number of respondents employee satisfaction by 25 respondents obtained purposivelly that were managers, supervisors, and others responsible for the greenhouse. The results showed that financial performance of the Cisaroni Garden PT Momenta Agrikultura was on bad category with the score obtained one ( 1 ) of the six ( 6 ) as a maximum score. The Costumers performance was on good category with the score obtained five (5) of the six ( 6 ) as a maximum score. Internal Business Process performance category was on quite well with the score obtained four (4) of the six ( 6 ) as a maximum score. The Employee satisfaction performance category was on quite well with the score obtained two (2) of the four ( 4 ) as a maximum score. The overall showed that garden performance quite well. Keywords: balanced scorecard, company performance, hydroponics company %C FAKULTAS PERTANIAN %D 2016 %I UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %L eprints21885