%A 0814023058 Arif Rahmatulloh %T ANALISIS KINERJA DAN LINGKUNGAN AGROINDUSTRI BIHUN TAPIOKA DI KOTA METRO %X Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari kinerja usaha dan kondisi lingkungan internal dan eksternal agroindustri bihun tapioka di Kota Metro. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan pada Bulan Maret 2015 sampai dengan Juni 2015 dengan metode sensus. Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah pemilik atau pegawai yang mengetahui tentang agroindustri bihun tapioka di Kota Metro. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan deskriptif kualitatif. Metode kuantitatif untuk mengetahui kinerja agroindustri berdasarkan produktivitas, kapasitas produksi dan pendapatan, dan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk mendapatkan gambaran lingkungan internal dan eksternal yang dihadapi perusahaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) kinerja agroindustri secara umum sudah baik dengan produktivitas rata-rata per bulan sebesar 69,02 kg/HOK, kapasitas produksi rata-rata sebesar 62 persen, dan pendapatan rata-rata diperoleh sebesar Rp74.903.601 per bulan dengan R/C rasio 1,56 (R.C > 1). (2) identifikasi lingkungan internal dan eksternal diperoleh; kekuatan : kebutuhan input produksi mudah diperoleh, bihun tapioka bermutu baik, telah ada pembagian tugas yang jelas dalam organisasi perusahaan, lokasi usaha strategis, dan sistem pemasaran yang tertata. Kelemahan : sulit menambah teknologi karena terkendala modal, dan rata-rata tenaga kerja memiliki pendidikan yang rendah. Peluang : bihun tapioka dapat diterima oleh masyarakat Indonesia khususnya Provinsi Lampung, tersedianya teknologi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas, permintaan bihun tapioka tidak terpengaruh musim dan cuaca. Ancaman : perekonomian yang belum stabil terutama gejolak harga bahan bakar minyak, mahalnya pengembangan teknologi produksi, adanya produk substitusi berupa bihun jagung dan mi terigu, proses produksi kadang terganggu cuaca hujan, masih minimnya kerjasama dan dukungan pemerintah Kota Metro. Kata kunci: Agroindustri, Bihun Tapioka, Kinerja abstrak bahasa inggris This research aims to study the performance of business and the conditions of internal and external environmental of tapioca vermicelli agroindustry in Metro City. Data collection was conducted in March to June 2015 by using census methodology. The data was collected in this study are primary data and secondary data. The respondent of this research is the owner or an employee who have understand about tapioca vermicelli agroindustry in Metro City. Data were analyzed using descriptive quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative method use to determine the performance of the agroindustry based on productivity, production capacity and revenue, and a qualitative descriptive method used to get an overview of internal and external environment of the company. The results showed that (1) the performance of agroindustry in general was in good category with average productivity per month amounted to 69.02 kg / HOK, the production capacity of an average of 62 percent, and the average income earned by Rp74,903,601 per month with R / C ratio of 1.56 (R.C> 1). (2) the identification of internal and external environment was obtained; strength: the input of production was easily obtained, tapioca vermicelli has good quality, there where clear division of tasks within the company's organization, strategic business locations, and the orderly marketing system. Weaknesses: there were difficult to add technology cause capital obstacles, and the average of employe have low education. Opportunities: tapioca vermicelli could be accepted by Indonesian, especially of the Province of Lampung, the availability of technology to improve productivity, demand tapioca vermicelli unaffected season and the weather. Threat: the economy was not yet stable, especially volatility of fuel prices, the high cost to develop the technology of production, the existence of substitution products such as corn vermicelli and wheat noodle, the production process was sometimes disturbed by rainy weather, there was still the lack of cooperation and government support of Metro City. Key words: Agroindustry, Performance, Tapioca vermicelli %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2015 %I FAKULTAS PERTANIAN %L eprints22107