@misc{eprints22182, month = {April}, title = {PENGARUH CARA PENAMBAHAN DAN KONSENTRASI SODIUM TRIPOLYPHOSPHATE (STPP) TERHADAP TINGKAT HIDROLISIS PATI, DAYA SERAP AIR, SIFAT SENSORI DAN RESPON GLIKEMIK NASI INSTAN }, author = {1114051046 Ria Amurwani}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS PERTANIAN}, year = {2016}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/22182/}, abstract = {Diabetes mellitus (DM) erat kaitannya dengan jumlah konsumsi beras harian yang berpengaruh pada kadar gula darah. Agar nasi yang dikonsumsi aman bagi penderita DM, tingkat hidrolisis patinya harus diturunkan. Penambahan larutan Sodium Tripolyphosphate (STPP) dapat mempengaruhi penurunan pati karena mengandung senyawa fosfat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui cara penambahan dan konsentrasi STPP yang menghasilkan nasi instan dengan tingkat hidrolisis rendah, daya serap air tinggi, sifat sensori disukai serta membandingkan respon glikemik antara nasi instan yang diberi perlakuan penambahan STPP dan nasi instan tanpa penambahan STPP. Penelitian ini terdiri dari tahap 1 yaitu pembuatan nasi instan, analisis tingkat hidrolisis pati, daya serap air, dan sifat sensori. Tahap 2 membandingkan respon glikemik nasi instan yang diberi perlakuan penambahan STPP dan nasi instan tanpa penambahan STPP. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penambahan STPP tidak berpengaruh terhadap tingkat hidrolisis pati dan daya serap air nasi instan, namun berpengaruh terhadap sifat sensori dan respon glikemik. Pemasakan nasi instan tanpa penambahan STPP yang memiliki karakteristik tingkat hidrolisis pati 0,35\%, daya serap air 598\%. persentase panelis yang menyukai kriteria suka terhadap aroma, warna, rasa, dan kepulenaan sebesar 78,67\%, 89,00\%, 95,67\%, dan 89,00\%, dan memiliki respon glikemik nasi STPP lebih rendah 94,37 mg/dL dibandingkan dengan rata-rata nasi kontrol sebesar 99,27 mg/dL. Kata kunci : hidrolisis pati, nasi instan, respon glikemik, sodium tripolyphosphate ABSTRAK BAHASA INGGRIS Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is related to daily rice consumption that affects blood sugar levels. In order that the rice consumed is safe for people with diabetes, the starch digestibility rate must be lowered. The addition of sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) solution may affect the lower of compounds that contain phosphate starch. This research was aimsed to determine how the addition method and the concentration of STPP which produce instant cooked rice with lower rate digestibility, high water absorption, good sensory properties. The other aims was to compare the glycemic response of instant cooked rice treated with the addition of STPP and instant cooked rice without the addition of STPP. The study was conducted in two phases. The first phase was the manufacture of instant cooked rice, analysises the starch hydrolysis rate, water absorption, and sensory properties. The second phase was testing the glycemic response of the instant cooked rice. The results showed the addition of STPP gave no effect on the starch hydrolysis rate and water absorption of instant cooked rice, but lowering the likenes effect on the sensory properties and glycemic response. The treatment was found on instant cooked rice without addition of STPP. The characteristics the best rice had starch hydrolysis rate of 0.35 \%, water absorption of 598\%. The percentes of panellists that like the aroma, taste, color, and aand fluffier were 78.67\%, 899.00\%, 95.67\%, 89.00\%., and treatments glycemic response STPP rice was 94.37 mg / dL and with the average cooked rice control was 99.27 mg / dL. Keywords: glycemic response, instant cooked rice, starch hydrolysis, sodium tripolyphosphate, } }