@misc{eprints22334, month = {April}, title = { IDENTIFIKASI KARAKTERISTIK HAZARD RATE DISTRIBUSI GENERALIZED EXPONENTIAL }, author = {1217031044 MERDA GUSTINA }, publisher = { UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, year = {2016}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/22334/}, abstract = {ABSTRAK Analisis survival (survival analysis) atau kelangsungan hidup atau analisis kesintasan bertujuan menaksir probabilitas kelangsungan hidup, kekambuhan, kematian, dan peristiwa-peristiwa lainnya sampai pada periode waktu tertentu. Distribusi dari waktu kelangsungan hidup terdiri dari tiga fungsi yaitu Fungsi Kepekatan Peluang (fkp), Fungsi Kelangsungan Hidup (Survival Function), dan Fungsi Kegagalan (Hazard). Dari ketiganya dapat dikaji bentuk Hazard Rate pada distribusi Generalized Exponential menggunakan aturan Glaser. Distribusi Generalized Exponential mempunyai empat bentuk hazard rate yaitu meningkat (increasing), menurun (decreasing), konstan, dan upside-down bathtub. Kata Kunci: Distribusi Generalized Exponential, Fungsi Kelangsungan Hidup (Survival Function), Laju Kegagalan (Hazard Rate). ABSTRACT Survival Analysis is commonly used in predicting the probability of survival, recurrence of disease, death and others event until a certain time period. Survival time is the data that measure time to a certain event. The distribution of survival times is usually described or characterized by three functions: the probability density function, the survival function, and the hazard function. Therefore, Of the three can be studied form of Hazard Rate on Generalized Exponential distribution using rules Glaser. The characteristic Hazard Rate Generalized Exponential distribution are increasing, decreasing, constant and upside-down bathtub. Key Word: Generalized Exponential Distribution, Survival Function, Hazard Rate. } }