@mastersthesis{eprints22426, month = {April}, title = {THE USE OF MODIFIED COGNITIVE ACADEMIC LANGUAGE LEARNING APPROACH (CALLA) TO IMPROVE STUDENTS? COGNITIVE READING STRATEGIES AND READING COMPREHENSION AT SMA NEGERI 8 BANDAR LAMPUNG }, school = {TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY}, author = {1423042011 GITA HILMI PRAKOSO}, year = {2016}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/22426/}, abstract = {This research aims to discover students? Cognitive reading strategies and reading comprehension after being taught by using modified Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA). The design of this research was non randomized control group pretest-posttest design. Two classes of second grader students of SMAN 8 Bandarlampung became the sample of this research. Students in experimental class were taught by using modified CALLA explicitly. In the other hand, students in control class were taught by using modified CALLA implicitly. To gather the data, the researcher employed two kinds of instruments, reading test and questionnaire. Reading test was employed to get the data of students? reading comprehension. Meanwhile, questionnaire was used to gather the data of students? Cognitive reading strategy and students? perception toward the implementation of modified CALLA. The results showed that out of ten strategies, there were two strategies which differ significantly before and after the treatment, deduction and getting idea quickly strategy. Furthermore, there are four strategies which differ significantly between students who were taught by using modified CALLA explicitly and implicitly, repetition, deduction, imagery and getting idea quickly strategy. In terms of students? reading comprehension, the result showed that there was significant difference of students? reading comprehension between students who were taught by using modified CALLA explicitly and implicitly. Besides, the data from questionnaire revealed that students? perception toward the implementation of modified CALLA was positive. Keywords: CALLA, Cognitive reading strategies, reading comprehension} }