@misc{eprints22921, month = {Juni}, title = { STUDENTS? COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES IN LEARNING SPEAKING THROUGH EXCLUSIVE LEARNING MODEL AT THE SECOND GRADE OF SMA N 1 METRO }, author = {121304207 SUCI HATI PUJI LESTARI }, address = {FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION}, publisher = {UNIVERSITY OF LAMPUNG}, year = {2016}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/22921/}, abstract = {ABSTRACT Being able to communicate is one of the main goals in learning English, and this skill is very important to be achieved by all of the English learners. Communication strategies can be used by the speakers to overcome the problems in communication that the people face. When people face some problems in their conversation, communication strategies can help them face the problem. Through communication strategies, speakers can deliver their meaning to their interlocutor. Therefore, the objective of this research was to find out the type of communication strategies students used in each step of exclusive learning model. This research was non-experimental descriptive study. The researcher used taxonomic analysis as qualitative design. Dornyei?s table of taxonomy was used to categorize the communication strategies. The participants of this research were the students of the second grade of SMAN 1 Metro, especially class XI-4 Science. The way to collect the data by recording all the activities, particularly when a student come in front of the class and started to speak. Based on the data, there were nine communication strategies used by the students, i.e. message abandonment, topic avoidance, approximation, use all of purpose words, nonlinguistic signals, code switching, literal translation, appeal for help, and time gaining strategy. In exploring step, the most communication strategies appeared were code switching and time gaining. In clustering step, the most communication strategy appeared was code switching. In simulating, valuing, and evaluating step, the most communication strategy appeared was time gaining. The results of the research showed there were 242 communication strategies used by the students. The types of code switching which the most frequently used is time-gaining as many as 124 times (51,23\%). It could be concluded that the students used the communication strategies in every single step of exclusive learning model. The fillers or hesitation device that used by students was possibly caused by their status as EFL students. Students? possibility to speak was rare and only occured when they were pointed by the teachers. Future research can try to investigate the use of exclusive in listening, reading, or writing so the result will have the variation. } }