creators_name: Yunarni Martha Doloksaribu, 1214131116 creators_id: type: other datestamp: 2016-07-01 06:31:30 lastmod: 2016-07-01 06:31:30 metadata_visibility: show title: SIKAP, KEPUASAN, DAN LOYALITAS KONSUMEN PRODUK OLAHAN BEBEK DI RUMAH MAKAN BEBEK BELUR KOTA BANDAR LAMPUNG ispublished: pub subjects: General full_text_status: restricted abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik konsumen, pola pembelian dan tahap pengambilan keputusan pembelian, sikap, tingkat kepuasan, dan tingkat loyalitas konsumen produk olahan bebek di Rumah Makan Bebek Belur. Penelitian ini dilakukan di dua lokasi yang dipilih secara sengaja, yaitu Rumah Makan Bebek Belur Kota Bandar Lampung di Jalan Z.A Pagar Alam Gedung Meneng dan di Jalan Pramuka. Sampel dari penelitian ini sebanyak 60 orang dipilih melalui accidental sampling. Data penelitian dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif, dan kuantitatif menggunakan model multiatribut fishbein, Consumer Satisfaction Index (CSI), dan piramida loyalitas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik konsumen Rumah Makan Bebek Belur adalah laki-laki dan perempuan berusia 18-27 tahun, serta status pekerjaannya adalah mahasiswa dengan pendapatan/uang saku sebesar Rp1.000.000-Rp3.000.000. Pola pembelian terdiri dari total pengeluaran sebesar Rp31.000-Rp50.000, porsi bebek dalam satu kali pembelian adalah 1 porsi saja, waktu pembelian pada siang hari (pukul 12.00-15.00), dan jumlah orang yang makan dalam 1 meja per pembelian adalah 1-2 orang. Tahapan proses keputusan pembelian terhadap konsumen produk olahan bebek melalui pengenalan kebutuhan, pencarian informasi, evaluasi alternatif, keputusan pembelian, dan perilaku pasca pembelian. Sikap konsumen (Ao) memberi nilai tertinggi terhadap rasa. Konsumen produk olahan bebek berada pada kriteria puas sebesar 72,69, dan berada pada kategori loyal di piramida loyalitas karena 83,33 persen dari mereka berkomitmen sebagai pembeli. Kata kunci : kepuasan, loyalitas, produk olahan bebek, sikap ABSTRAK BAHASA INGGRIS The aims of this research are to determine the characteristics of consumer, the pattern of purchasing and decision-making stage purchase refined, attitudes, satisfaction, and the level of loyalty of the consumers to duck products at Bebek Belur Restaurant. This research was conducted at two purposive locations of Bebek Belur Restaurant in Bandar Lampung at Z.A Pagar Alam Street Gedung Meneng and at Pramuka Street. The samples of this research were 60 peoples who were selected by accidental sampling. Research data was analyzed by descriptive qualitative, and quantitative Fishbein Multiatribut Model, Consumer Satisfaction Index (CSI), and the loyalty pyramid. The result of this research showed that the characteristics of consumers of Bebek Belur Restaurant were mostly man and woman aged 18-27 years, and worked as students with income / allowance amounted Rp1,000,000-Rp3,000,000. Purchasing patterns consisted of were total spending amounted Rp31.000-Rp50.000, the portion of duck in one purchase was 1 portion, the time of purchase in the afternoon (12:00 to 15:00 pm), and the number of people eating in one table per purchase was 1-2 people. Purchasing decisions of duck products through stages of the need recognation, information search, evaluation of alternative, purchase, and post of purchase behavior. The consumer attitude (Ao) was to provide the hightest value to the taste. Consumer of duck products were in the satisfied criteria amounted 72.69 percent, and being loyal in the loyalty pyramid categories, because 83.33 percent of them were committed buyer. Keywords : attitude, duck products, loyalty, satisfaction date: 2016-06-24 date_type: published publisher: UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG place_of_pub: FAKULTAS PERTANIAN citation: Yunarni Martha Doloksaribu, 1214131116 (2016) SIKAP, KEPUASAN, DAN LOYALITAS KONSUMEN PRODUK OLAHAN BEBEK DI RUMAH MAKAN BEBEK BELUR KOTA BANDAR LAMPUNG. UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG, FAKULTAS PERTANIAN. document_url: document_url: document_url: