%A 1423042006 Dhona Kartika %T TEACHER?S AND STUDENTS? SPEECH ACTS DURING CORRECTING SESSION OF THE STUDENTS? ENGLISH WORKS AT SMAN 8 BANDAR LAMPUNG %X This qualitative study aimed to find out the speech acts produced by the teacher and the students during correcting session of the students? English works. The subjects of this study were one English teacher and 36 students of X6 at one SMAN. Observation and open-ended interview were conducted to get the data for this study. The finding revealed that the teacher produced more speech acts (152 utterances) than the students (63 utterances). It can be seen that from 152 utterances of the teacher? speech acts, there were 79 utterances of representatives speech act (52%) mostly produced by the teacher. Besides, there were 72 utterances of Directives speech acts (47.4 %) produced by the teacher. Meanwhile, there were 63 utterances produced by the students in order to respond the teacher (teacher student? speech acts) and to their other friend (students to students? speech acts). There were two kinds of response produced by the students; they are teacher student and students to students? utterances or responses. The students produced more utterances to the teacher (56 utterances), than to the other friends, which were only 7 utterances. In responding the teacher, the students used representatives speech acts the most with 48 utterances. Therefore, the teacher mostly produced representatives and directive speech acts. Meanwhile, the students mostly produced representatives speech act to respond the teacher?s speech acts. On the other hand, the congruency and incongruency happened between the teacher?s and the students? speech acts. Furthermore, there was only congruency between one student?s speech acts to the others students?. It is suggested that not only produce representatives and directives speech acts, teachers are also expected to produce more expressive speech acts in order to make the students have more encouragement to perform better on their next works and be more active in the classroom. %C LAMPUNG UNIVERSITY %D 2016 %I MASTER IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING STUDY PROGRAM %L eprints22981