<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . "A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN PEER-CORRECTION AND SELFCORRECTION\r\nIN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF\r\nDESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT FIRST GRADE OF SMA NEGERI 6 METRO"^^ . "The purposes of this research were to find out the difference of students’ writing\r\nachievement taught through peer-correction and self-correction, the aspect of\r\nwriting that the most improve after being taught through peer-correction and selfcorrection,\r\nand students’ perception about peer-correction and self-correction in\r\nwriting. This research was conducted at first grade of SMA Negeri 6 Metro in\r\n2015/2016 academic year. The samples of this research were two classes, X.4 and\r\nX.5. In collecting the data, the researcher used writing test and questionnaire.\r\nThis research was done in four meetings. In the first meeting, the students were\r\nasked to make a descriptive text about person or animal. In the second meeting,\r\nthe researcher taught them about descriptive text of person provided example of\r\ndescriptive text, structure, and characteristics. After explaining they were asked to\r\nmake a descriptive text of person and exchanged their paper in pair (peercorrection)\r\nor corrected by themselves (self-correction) based on editing symbol.\r\nIn the next meeting, the researcher explained how to make a descriptive text of\r\nanimal provided example of descriptive text, structure, and characteristics. After\r\nthat the researcher asked them to make a descriptive text of animal and exchanged\r\ntheir paper in pair (peer-correction) or corrected by themselves (self-correction)\r\nbased on editing symbol. In the last meeting, the researcher conducted post test\r\nand distributed questionnaire. They were asked to make a descriptive text of\r\nperson or animal and filled the questionnaire based on their perception about peercorrection\r\nand self-correction.\r\nThe results of this research showed that: first, there was difference in students’\r\nwriting achievement taught peer-correction and self-correction. It could be seen\r\nfrom their means score of post test of peer-correction class was 87.48 and selfcorrection\r\nclass was 92.10 with t-value was 2.352, which the data significant\r\nbased on t-table was at least 2.064 and 0.00 < 0.05. It meant that there was\r\nsignificant improvement in students’ writing descriptive text taught through peercorrection\r\nand self-correction. The second research quotation, the aspects of\r\nwriting that improve the most in peer-correction and self-correction were\r\norganization and mechanics. Organization refers to the use of logical organization\r\nof content (unity) and mechanics refers to the use of graphic convention. The third\r\nresult related to the third research quotation. It showed that the students were\r\nsatisfied with peer-correction and self-correction. In peer-correction and selfcorrection,\r\nall of the students agreed that the techniques helped them to learn\r\nEnglish better, improved their writing and helped them to recognize their errors\r\nbut in the peer-correction, this technique made them embarrassed to exchange\r\ntheir idea, beside that in self-correction, this technique was too wasting time to\r\ncorrect their draft."^^ . "2016-07-25" . . . . . "FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION"^^ . . . . . . . " 1213042036"^^ . "INSANI SALMA"^^ . " 1213042036 INSANI SALMA"^^ . . . . . . "A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN PEER-CORRECTION AND SELFCORRECTION\r\nIN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF\r\nDESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT FIRST GRADE OF SMA NEGERI 6 METRO (File PDF)"^^ . . . "ABSTRACT.pdf"^^ . . . "A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN PEER-CORRECTION AND SELFCORRECTION\r\nIN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF\r\nDESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT FIRST GRADE OF SMA NEGERI 6 METRO (File PDF)"^^ . . . "A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN PEER-CORRECTION AND SELFCORRECTION\r\nIN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF\r\nDESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT FIRST GRADE OF SMA NEGERI 6 METRO (File PDF)"^^ . . . "A SCRIPT RESULT AND DISCUSSION.pdf"^^ . . . "A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN PEER-CORRECTION AND SELFCORRECTION\r\nIN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF\r\nDESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT FIRST GRADE OF SMA NEGERI 6 METRO (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN PEER-CORRECTION AND SELFCORRECTION\r\nIN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF\r\nDESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT FIRST GRADE OF SMA NEGERI 6 METRO (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN PEER-CORRECTION AND SELFCORRECTION\r\nIN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF\r\nDESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT FIRST GRADE OF SMA NEGERI 6 METRO (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN PEER-CORRECTION AND SELFCORRECTION\r\nIN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF\r\nDESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT FIRST GRADE OF SMA NEGERI 6 METRO (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN PEER-CORRECTION AND SELFCORRECTION\r\nIN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF\r\nDESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT FIRST GRADE OF SMA NEGERI 6 METRO (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN PEER-CORRECTION AND SELFCORRECTION\r\nIN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF\r\nDESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT FIRST GRADE OF SMA NEGERI 6 METRO (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN PEER-CORRECTION AND SELFCORRECTION\r\nIN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF\r\nDESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT FIRST GRADE OF SMA NEGERI 6 METRO (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN PEER-CORRECTION AND SELFCORRECTION\r\nIN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF\r\nDESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT FIRST GRADE OF SMA NEGERI 6 METRO (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN PEER-CORRECTION AND SELFCORRECTION\r\nIN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF\r\nDESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT FIRST GRADE OF SMA NEGERI 6 METRO (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN PEER-CORRECTION AND SELFCORRECTION\r\nIN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF\r\nDESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT FIRST GRADE OF SMA NEGERI 6 METRO (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN PEER-CORRECTION AND SELFCORRECTION\r\nIN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF\r\nDESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT FIRST GRADE OF SMA NEGERI 6 METRO (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN PEER-CORRECTION AND SELFCORRECTION\r\nIN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF\r\nDESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT FIRST GRADE OF SMA NEGERI 6 METRO (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN PEER-CORRECTION AND SELFCORRECTION\r\nIN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF\r\nDESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT FIRST GRADE OF SMA NEGERI 6 METRO (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN PEER-CORRECTION AND SELFCORRECTION\r\nIN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF\r\nDESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT FIRST GRADE OF SMA NEGERI 6 METRO (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN PEER-CORRECTION AND SELFCORRECTION\r\nIN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF\r\nDESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT FIRST GRADE OF SMA NEGERI 6 METRO (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN PEER-CORRECTION AND SELFCORRECTION\r\nIN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF\r\nDESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT FIRST GRADE OF SMA NEGERI 6 METRO (Other)"^^ . . . . . "HTML Summary of #23315 \n\nA COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN PEER-CORRECTION AND SELFCORRECTION \nIN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF \nDESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT FIRST GRADE OF SMA NEGERI 6 METRO\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "LB Theory and practice of education"@en . . . "PE English"@en . .