%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A AMELIA AGUSTIARA , 1423042004 %B LAMPUNG UNIVERSITY %D 2016 %F eprints:23680 %I TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY %T OPTIMIZING PLANNING AS METACOGNITIVE STRATEGY TO IMPROVE LEARNERS’ NARRATIVE WRITING AT SMK MUHAMMADIYAH 1 METRO %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/23680/ %X The current research is concerned with metacognitive theory based on O’Malley and Chamot (1990). Metacognitive is divided into three parts called planning, monitoring, and evaluation. This research deals with planning as metacognitive strategy to improve learners’ narrative writing. This involves five aspects, that is, advanced organizer, direct attention, selective attention, self management, and functional planning. It was intended to investigate the students’ use of planning as metacognitive strategy in writing class; to find the aspects of planning students employed in narrative writing; and to see if there is an improvement of narrative writing achievement during the process of treatment. The subject involves 27 students of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Metro. To collect the data, questionnaire, writing test, and observation were used. From the calculation, the average scores of the pretest is 53, posttest, is 74. Based on the analysis, the hypothesis can be accepted because tratio is 16.412 which is bigger than t-table, at the significance level 0.05. It shows that the hypothesis of Ha is accepted. It means that there is a differences of students’ writing achievement before and after the treatment. This research reveals that among the five aspects of planning as metacognitive strategy, advanced organizer was dominant, followed by direct attention, self management, functional planning, and selective attention respectively. It is also found that planning is important in learning strategy especially in metacognitive strategy. It is suggested that the five of aspects of planning are very helpful to writing learners. Key Words: Planning as Metacognitive Strategy, Narrative Writing