%A 1213042035 Indah Rizqia Putri Warganegara %T THE EFFECT OF PRE-QUESTIONING TECHNIQUE ON STUDENTS? READING COMPREHENSION ACHIEVEMENT AT THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS OF SMPN 29 BANDAR LAMPUNG %X Reading is bringing and getting meaning from printed or written materials. This activity requires the students not only to read the texts but also to understand it. Naturally, reading skill involves several elements such as main idea, supporting detail, inference, vocabulary, and reference. Therefore, this research was conducted from the considerations that the students still got low scores in reading comprehension test. One factor that may influence students? reading comprehension achievement is the strategy used by the teacher for teaching reading in the class. One of the strategies which is considered applicable for teaching students? reading comprehension is pre-questioning technique. Pre-questioning is very useful for students to activate their prior knowledge. The students may find form of pre-questioning and it is important for them to comprehend a reading text by having knowledge in general view of the text. The objective of this research was to find out the effect of giving pre-questioning technique on studens? reading comprehension achievement. The result of this research was useful to support the previous study that has been applied in senior high school and university students. This research was conducted at the second grade students of SMPN 29 Bandar Lampung. The researcher took VIII D class as try out class and VIII A class as experimental class. The experimental research with one group pre-test and post-test design was applied in this research. In collecting the data, pre-test, treatments, and post-test were administered. Then, the t-test was employed to reach the significant value. The result of the research proves that pre-questioning technique gives positive effect on students? reading comprehension achievement. It can be seen from the mean score of the students in pre-test and post-test which computated by SPSS 16.00 . In pre-test, the mean score is 68.46 and it increases 76.86 in post-test. It means that there is an increase of 8.40 points. The result of t-test shows that t-ratio is higher than t-table (13.146 > 2.045) with the level of significant is p < 0.05 and significant two tail is p=0.000. It can be said that pre- questioning technique gives the positive effect because it can increase students? reading comprehension achievement. %C FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION %D 2016 %I LAMPUNG UNIVERSITY %L eprints23703