creators_name: ISTIQLALLIA, type: other datestamp: 2014-07-17 07:09:45 lastmod: 2014-07-17 07:09:45 metadata_visibility: show title: CORRELATION OF ATTITUDES AND PARTICIPATION MOTHER IN POSYANDU WITH THE OCCURANCE DIARRHEA OF TODDLERS IN POSYANDU NATAR VILLAGE ispublished: pub subjects: R1 full_text_status: restricted abstract: Diarrhea is one of health problems in the developing world, including in indonesia. Attitude mother toddlers to realize that posyandu is the main case to helping health problems and participation mother in health program communities can be increase the health of the family. The purpose of this research is to find out the correlation of attitudes and participation mother in posyandu with the occurance diarrhea in toddlers. This research uses descriptive - analytic method with cross sectional research design with 161 respondents. The research was carried out in Desember 2013. The respondents was took from every village and sampling method using propotional random sampling. The results of get rate occurrence diarrhea in toddlers in posyandu natar village of 62,7%. There is a correlation between attitude of mother with the occurrence diarrhea in toddlers (p-value 0,001). There is a correlation between participation mother in posyandu with the occurance diarrhea in toddlers (p-value 0,001). A conclusion in this research is the attitude of mother and participation mother in posyandu have correlation with the occurrence diarrhea in toddlers. Keywords: Attitude of mother, diarrhea, participation mother in posyandu date: 2014-02-03 date_type: published publisher: Universitas Lampung place_of_pub: Fakultas Kedokteran citation: ISTIQLALLIA, (2014) CORRELATION OF ATTITUDES AND PARTICIPATION MOTHER IN POSYANDU WITH THE OCCURANCE DIARRHEA OF TODDLERS IN POSYANDU NATAR VILLAGE. Universitas Lampung, Fakultas Kedokteran. document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: