@misc{eprints24135, month = {Oktober}, title = {EFEK PENAMBAHAN EKSTRAK GAMBIR ( Uncaria gambier Roxb), KEMENYAN PUTIH ( Styrx benzoin Dryand), DAN ADITIF GOLONGAN KARBOKSILAT SEBAGAI INHIBITOR PEMBENTUKAN KERAK KALSIUM KARBONAT (CaCO3)}, author = {1217011053 Siti Aisah}, address = {FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM}, publisher = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, year = {2016}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/24135/}, abstract = {Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan penambahan inhibitor ekstrak gambir, kemenyan putih, asam benzoat, dan asam sitrat pada kerak CaCO3 menggunakan metode tanpa penambahan bibit kristal (unseeded experiment). Larutan pertumbuhan CaCO3 yang dipergunakan sebesar 0,050; 0,075; 0,100 dan 0,125 M diinteraksikan dengan inhibitor campuran konsentrasi 0-350 ppm. Penambahan inhibitor gambir yang dikombinasikan dengan kemenyan putih, asam benzoat, dan asam sitrat mampu menghambat pertumbuhan kristal CaCO3 sebesar 8-64\%. Analisis kualitatif menggunakan scanning electron microscopy (SEM) menunjukkan bahwa morfologi permukaan kerak CaCO3 dengan inhibitor lebih kecil dan rusak dibandingkan tanpa penambahan inhibitor sedangkan analisis kuantitatif menggunakan particle size analyzer (PSA) menunjukkan bahwa distribusi ukuran partikel kerak CaCO3 menjadi lebih kecil dengan adanya penambahan inhibitor berdasarkan nilai rata-rata yaitu sebesar 2,043 {\ensuremath{\mu}}m dan nilai tengah sebesar 0,396 {\ensuremath{\mu}}m. Inhibitor gambir dengan penambahan kemenyan putih; asam benzoat; asam sitrat memiliki ketahanan terhadap mikroorganisme seperti jamur selama 3 bulan. Kata kunci: aditif golongan karboksilat, CaCO3, gambir, inhibitor, kemenyan putih. ABSTRACT In this research, it has been conducted the addition of inhibitor gambier, white benzoin, citric acid, and benzoic acid extracts on the calcium carbonate (CaCO3) scale without the addition of crystals seed (unseeded experiment). The growth solution of CaCO3 used in 0,050; 0,075; 0,100 and 0,125 M were interacted to the mixture of inhibitor with concentration 0-350 ppm. Additional of gambier inhibitor that were combinated with white benzoin, benzoic acid, and citric acid has tied up the growth of CaCO3 crystal run at 8-64\%. Qualitative analysis used scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has showed the surface morphology of CaCO3 scale with inhibitor is smaller and broken than without the addition of inhibitor while Quantitative analysis used particle size analyzer (PSA) has showed the particle size distribution of CaCO3 scale is smaller than without the addition of inhibitor based on an average 2,043 {\ensuremath{\mu}}m and the middle value 0,396 {\ensuremath{\mu}}m. Gambier Inhibitor with the addition of white benzoin;benzoic acid; citric acid has the endurance to microorganism as fungi for 3 months. Keywords: Additive Carboxylate group, CaCO3, gambier, Inhibitor, white benzoin} }