@misc{eprints24265, month = {Agustus}, title = {MODIFIKASI PATI TAPIOKA SECARA CROSS-LINKING DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN NATRIUM ASETAT}, author = {0917011020 Ari Bowo Slamet Effendy}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM}, year = {2016}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/24265/}, abstract = {Modifikasi pati tapioka menggunakan natrium asetat dengan jumlah yang berbeda(10\%, 15\% , dan 20\% b/b) telah dilakukan. Sifat-sifat fungsional(kadar abu, kadar air, suhu gelatinisasi, pembengkakkan, kelarutan, absorbsi IR, dan sifat termal) pati termodifikasi dibandingkan dengan pati asli. Pati termodifikasi menunjukkan peningkatan berbagai sifat sifat. Pati termodifikasi menunjukan pengingkatan kelarutan yang tinggi yakni {\texttt{\char126}}80\% dibandingkan pati asli {\texttt{\char126}}30\%. Pati termodifikasi juga kehilangan massa lebih sedikit dibandingkan pati asli pada uji DTA/TGA Kata kunci : Pati tapioka, Modifikasi pati, Cross-linking, FTIR, DSC, DTA/TGA ABSTRACT Cassava starch modification by cross-linking using sodium acetate with different amounts (10\%, 15\%, and 20\% w/w) was performed. Functional properties (ash content, moisture content, gelatinization temperature, swelling, solubility, IR absorption and thermal properties) of the modified starch were compared with those of the native cassava starch. The modified samples were found to exhibit improved propreties (i.e. high solubilty and lower mass loss) than native starch. Modified starch showed great improvement in their solubility of {\texttt{\char126}}80\% compared with {\texttt{\char126}}30\% of the native cassava starch. Modified starch also have less mass loss than native starch in DTA/TGA test. Keyword : Tapioca Starch, Starch Modification, Cross-linking, FTIR, DSC, DTA/TGA } }