%0 Generic %A TIARA ANGGRIANI , 1213042076 %C LAMPUNG UNIVERSITY %D 2016 %F eprints:24375 %I Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan %T THE IMPLEMENTATION OF JIGSAWED-PICTURE SERIES AND CONVENTIONAL PICTURES SERIES RECOUNT TEXT TO ELEVATE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL AT SMPN 4 BANDAR LAMPUNG %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/24375/ %X Naturally speaking is a unit of communication skill between at least two people and it is a way to express someone’s idea orally. In fact, in teaching learning process the teachers do not have good technique for teaching speaking. Thus, there is no improvement in students’ speaking skill. This is the chance for the teachers to overcome this problem by providing some creative activities in the classroom. This research was aimed at finding out whether there is any significant difference in students’ speaking achievement between those who are taught by using jigsawed pictures series and conventional pictures series, also to investigate which aspect of speaking will be mostly increased between those who are taught through jigsawed pictures series and conventional pictures series. The sample was two classes of SMPN 4 Bandar Lampung consist of 29 students in experimental and control class. Speaking test was used in this research. The result showed there is a significant difference of students’ speaking achievement between the students who are taught jigsawed pictures series and those taught through conventional pictures series, as seen from the result of the hypothesis which shows that the value of compare means sample t-test is smaller than alpha (sign <α, 0.000 <0.05). In experimental class, the students’ total score increase significantly (77.89), while in control class the total increase (70.68). With respect to aspect of speaking skills, pronunciation most highly increased (14.1), followed by fluency (4.7), and grammar (4.5) respectively. This suggests that jigsawed pictures series provide a statistically significant effect on students speaking skill. Keywords: speaking, pictures series, recount text.