TY - THES ID - eprints24424 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/24424/ A1 - ROHYATIN, 1423011020 Y1 - 2016/08/22/ N2 - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk1) mendeskripsikan desain pembelajaran IPA, 2) mendeskripsikan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran IPA, 3) mendeskripsikan respon pelaksanaan pembelajaran IPA, 4) mendeskripsikan aktivitas siswa dalam belajar dan 5) mendeskripsikan hasil belajar IPA menggunakan media visual gambar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas, dengan subjek penelitian dua kelas yaitu siswa kelas VIA dan VIB. Data dikumpulkan dengan angket, observasi dan tes, dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini 1)desain pelaksanaan pembelajaran IPA menggunakan media visual gambar mempersiapkan perangkat pembelajaran, menentukan media yang akan digunakan, menilai keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, menilai reaksi dan menilai aktifitas. 2)keterlaksanaan siklus 1 terendah pada saat guru berinteraksi dan tertinggi pada saat menanggapi siswa dalam membacakan hasil kinerja, siklus 2 terendah pada penilaian prilaku guru dan tertinggi pada kegiatan guru saat menanggapi gagasan, siklus 3 terendah pada saat berinteraksi dengan siswa dan tertinggi pada kegiatan guru saat menanggapi gagasan siswa, 3) respon siswa siklus 1 terendah pada penilaian guru membangun suasana belajar dan tertinggi pada penilaian materi, siklus 2 terendah pada penilaian guru membangun suasana dan tertinggi pada penilaian cara guru merespon, siklus 3 mendapatkan nilai terendah pada kesesuaian media dan tertinggi pada penilaian membangun suasana belajar, 4)Aktivitas siklus 1 mendapatkan nilai terendah pada penelusuran informasi dan tertinggi pada saat siswa mendengarkan penjelasan, siklus 2 mendapatkan nilai terendah pada melakukan penelusuran informasi dan tertinggi pada saat berdiskusi, siklus 3 mendapatkan nilai terendah pada aktivitas membaca dan tertinggi pada aktivitas review, dan 5) hasil belajar siklus 1 sebesar 60,7 VIA dan 62,9 VIB, siklus 2 sebesar 72,7 VIA dan 73,4 VIB, siklus 3 sebesar 80,21 VIA dan 81,3 VIB. Kata kunci : hasilbelajar, IPA, media visual gambar abstract This research was aimed to: 1) describe the design of teaching & learning of natural science, 2) describe the implementation of teaching & learning of natural science, 3) describe the response of the implementation of teaching & learning of natural science, 4) describe the students? activity during the learning process and, 5) describe the teaching & learning of natural science result using pictorial media. This research was the classroom action research, with two classes as the research subjects, class VIA and VIB. The data were collected through questionnaire, observation and test, and also were analyzed using quantative descriptive. The research resulted: 1) the implementation design of science learning using visual media (picture) prepared learning devices, determined the media to be used, assessed the implementation of learning, the reaction and the activity. 2) the implementation of cycle1 showed in the lowest point when the teacher interacted and indicated at the highest point when the students responded in reading the task result, cycle 2 denoted in the lowest point regarding the scoring of teacher?s attitude and showed the highest level when teacher responded the idea, cycle 3 represented the lowest level when the teacher interacted with the students and reached the highest level when the teacher responded the students? ideas. 3) the students? response in cycle 1 showed that the teacher?s score in encouraging the learning atmosphere was at the lowest point and indicated the highest level at the material score, cycle 2 indicated that the teacher?s score in encouraging the learning atmosphere and showed the highest level at the score of the teacher responded, cycle 3 got the lowest point at the appropriateness of media and got the highest point at the encouragement of learning atmosphere, 4) the activity in cycle 1 reached the lowest level at information seeking and obtained the highest score when the students listened to the explanation, cycle 2 pursued the lowest score at the action of searching the information and the highest score at the dicussion, cycle 3 got the lowest score at reading activity but reached the highest score in review activity, and also 5) the learning result cycle 1 was 60.7 for class VIA and 62.9 for class VIB, cycle 2 was 72.75 for class VIA and 73.4 VIB, cycle 3 was 80.21 for class VIA and 81.3 for class VIB. Keywords: learning result, natural science, visual media PB - FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN M1 - masters TI - PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR IPA MENGGUNAKAN MEDIA VISUAL GAMBAR PADA SISWA KELAS VI SD NEGERI BUMI AGUNGKALIANDA AV - restricted ER -