%0 Generic %A USWATUN HASANAH , 1117011050 %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2016 %F eprints:24721 %I FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM %T PENINGKATAN KESTABILAN ENZIM PROTEASE DARI Bacillus subtilis ITBCCB148 DENGAN AMOBILISASI MENGGUNAKAN ZEOLIT %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/24721/ %X ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan stabilitas enzim protease dari isolat bakteri lokal Bacillus subtilis ITBCCB148 dengan amobilisasi menggunakan zeolit. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut maka dilakukan proses produksi, isolasi, pemurnian, amobilisasi enzim, dan karakterisasi enzim protease sebelum dan sesudah amobilisasi. Aktivitas spesifik enzim hasil pemurnian diperoleh sebesar 2.680,734 U/mg, meningkat 13 kali dibandingkan ekstrak kasar enzim yaitu 204,465 U/mg. Enzim hasil pemurnian bekerja optimum pada suhu 50ºC, sedangkan enzim amobil pada suhu 55ºC. Aktivitas sisa yang dihasilkan pada uji stabilitas termal pada suhu 60ºC selama 60 menit terhadap enzim hasil pemurnian adalah sebesar 2,215%, sedangkan enzim amobil sebesar 16,971%. Data kinetika enzim hasil pemurnian diperoleh data KM = 21 mg substrat mL-1, Vmaks = 500 μmol mL-1 menit-1, t1/2 = 10,661 menit, ki = 0,065 menit-1 dan ΔGi = 97,667 kJ mol-1, sedangkan enzim amobil adalah KM = 8,6 mg substrat mL-1, Vmaks = 200 μmol mL-1 menit-1 , t1/2 = 26,653 menit, ki = 0,026 menit-1 dan ΔGi = 101,685 kJ mol-1. Amobilisasi menggunakan zeolit telah berhasil meningkatkan 2,5 kali stabilitas termal enzim, yang ditunjukkan oleh penurunan nilai ki. Kata kunci : Protease, Bacillus subtilis ITBCCB148, amobilisasi enzim, zeolit. ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to improve protease enzyme stability from local bacteria isolates of bacillus subtilis ITBCCB148 with immobilization using zeolite. A sequential processes were conducted, i.e: production, isolation, purification, immobilization, and characterization of the protease before and after immobilization. The specific activity of purified enzyme was 2,680.734 U/mg, increased 13 times higher than the raw extract (204.465 U/mg). The purified enzyme worked well at 50ºC and the immobilized at 55ºC. From thermal stability test at 60ºC for 60 minutes, residual activity of the purified and the immobilized enzyme were 2.215% and 16.971%, respectively. Kinetic datas of the purified enzyme were KM value = 21 mg substrat mL-1, Vmaks = 500 μmol mL-1 minute-1, t1/2 = 10.661 menute, ki = 0.065 minute-1, and ΔGi = 97.667 kJ mol-1, while the immobilized were KM = 8.6 mg substrat mL-1, Vmaks = 200 μmol mL-1 minute-1, t1/2 = 26.653 minute, ki = 0.026 minute-1 dan ΔGi = 101.685 kJ mol-1. Enzyme immobilization using zeolite has succeeded in increasing the thermal stability of the enzyme as much as 2.5 times, which is indicated be decrease in the value of ki. Keywords : Protease, Bacillus subtilis ITBCCB148, enzyme immobilization, zeolite.