@misc{eprints24771, month = {Oktober}, title = {AMOBILISASI ENZIM PROTEASE DARI Bacillus subtilis ITBCCB148 MENGGUNAKAN BENTONIT}, author = { 1117011002 ANA FEBRIANTI WULANDARI}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM}, year = {2016}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/24771/}, abstract = {Protease banyak digunakan secara komersial dalam industri pangan dan non-pangan. Agar dapat digunakan dalam proses industri, maka enzim harus dapat bekerja pada pH dan suhu ekstrim. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan stabilitas enzim protease dari isolat bakteri Bacillus subtilis ITBCCB148 melalui proses amobilisasi dengan metode penyerapan fisik (adsorpsi) enzim menggunakan bentonit. Adapun tahapan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini, meliputi proses produksi, isolasi, pemurnian dan amobilisasi enzim hasil pemurnian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aktivitas spesifik enzim hasil pemurnian sebesar 1528,87 U/mg, meningkat kemurniannya 13,04 kali dibandingkan ekstrak kasar enzim. Enzim protease memiliki suhu optimum 50?C, sedangkan enzim amobil pada suhu 55?C. Uji stabilitas termal pada suhu 60?C selama 60 menit untuk enzim hasil pemurnian masih memiliki aktivitas sisa 2,694\%, sedangkan enzim amobil sebesar 17,599\%. Data kinetika enzim hasil pemurnian diperoleh KM = 6,200 mg mL-1 substrat dan Vmaks = 200 {\ensuremath{\mu}}mol mL-1 menit-1, t1/2 = 12,6 menit, ki = 0,055 menit-1 dan {\ensuremath{\Delta}}Gi = 98,115 KJ mol-1. Sedangkan data kinetika enzim hasil amobilisasi diperoleh KM = 4,285 mg mL-1 substrat dan Vmaks = 142,857 {\ensuremath{\mu}}mol mL-1 menit-1, t1/2 = 23,1 menit, ki = 0,03 menit-1 dan {\ensuremath{\Delta}}Gi = 101,295 KJ mol-1. Berdasarkan penurunan nilai ki , peningkatan waktu paruh (t1/2), dan nilai {\ensuremath{\Delta}}Gi, menunjukkan bahwa amobilisasi menggunakan bentonit dapat meningkatkan stabilitas enzim protease dari Bacillus subtilis ITBCCB148. Kata kunci : Protease, Bacillus subtilis ITBCCB148, Amobilisasi enzim, Bentonit ABSTRACT Protease is widely used commercially in food and non-food industry. For a certain industrial processes, the enzyme must be set up at extreme level of both pH and temperature. This research was aimed to improve the stability of protease from Bacillus Subtilis ITBCCB148 to immobilization techniques by adsorption of the enzyme on bentonite. Some sequential steps in this research were including production, isolation, purification and immobilization of purified enzymes. The results showed a specific activity of the purified enzyme of 1528,87 U/mg, increased of 13.04 folds than the crude extract. The purified protease has an optimum temperature at 50?C, whereas the immobilized enyme at 55?C. the residual activity on 60?C for 60 minutes for purified enzyme was 2.694\%, while the immobilized enzyme was 17.599\%. Kinetic datas of purified enzyme results were KM = 6.200 mg mL-1 substrate, Vmax = 200 {\ensuremath{\mu}}mol mL-1 minute-1, t1/2 = 12.6 minutes, ki = 0.055 min-1 and {\ensuremath{\Delta}}Gi = 98.115 KJ mol-1. While the datas of the immobilized enzyme were KM = 4.285 mg mL-1 substrate, Vmax = 142.857 {\ensuremath{\mu}}mol mL-1 minute-1, t1/2 = 23.1 minutes, ki = 0.03 minute-1 and {\ensuremath{\Delta}}Gi = 101.295 KJ mol-1. Based on impairment of ki, increment in half-time (t1/2), and the value of {\ensuremath{\Delta}}Gi, the immobilization by bentonite can improve the stability of protease from Bacillus subtilis ITBCCB148. Key words: Protease, Bacillus subtilis ITBCCB148, Enzyme immobilization, Bentonite} }