%0 Generic %A YESSI YOLANDA SARAH, 1216021115 %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2016 %F eprints:24980 %I FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK %T EVALUASI KEBIJAKAN RELOKASI PENGUNGSI ERUPSI GUNUNG SINABUNG DI DESA SIOSAR KECAMATAN MEREK KABUPATEN KARO SUMATERA UTARA %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/24980/ %X POLICY EVALUATION OF SINABUNG MOUNTAIN ERUPTION REFUGEES RELOCATION IN VILLAGE SIOSAR, SUB DISTRICTS MEREK, DISTRICTS KARO, NORTH SUMATRA PROVINCE Sinabung volcano is a stratovolcano mountain which as administrative located in In Village Siosar, Sub Districts Merek, Districts Karo, North Sumatra Province with high 2450 meters above sea level. Since the eruption in 2010 resulted residents around Mount Sinabung had to evacuate to shelters of natural disasters. The goverments issued a sinabung eruption refugees relocation policy in Village Siosar, Sub Districts Merek, Districts Karo, North Sumatra Province as one of disaster management policy. This research using CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) evaluation model and observed based on effectiveness, effeciency, adquacy, grading, responsiveness and policy accuration. The porpose of this research was to describe policy evaluation of Sinabung Mountain refugees relocation in Village Siosar, Sub Districts Merek, Districts Karo, North Sumatra Province. This research uses descriptive methods with qualitative approach. this research conducted in the Desa Siosar, Kecamatan merek, Kabupaten Karo, Provinsi Sumatera Utara and there are five informants. The result of this research show the evaluation of Sinabung Vulcano eruption refugee policy in Village Siosar, Sub Districts Merek, Districts Karo, North Sumatra Province. First, relocation policy evaluated in policy context already achieved. Second, The input evaluation policy achieved looked from clear implementation policy guidance. Third, policy process evaluation is not achieved looked from settlement policy over time limit that already determined. Fourth, evaluation policy result achieved seen from policy result in the field accordance with plannining namely the development of human settlements, agricultural land, facilities and and infrastructure. keyword : evaluation of policy, relocation, natural Disaster