title: PENGEMBANGAN BUKU AJAR IPS BERBASIS STUDENT TEAM ACHIEVEMENT DIVISION UNTUK SISWA KELAS IV SEKOLAH DASAR creator: Mistin Kusuma Hastuti, 1423053008 subject: LB Theory and practice of education subject: LB1501 Primary Education description: Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan suatu produk berupa buku ajar IPS berbasis STAD, menganalisis kemenarikan dan kemanfaatan bahan ajar berbasis STAD, serta menganalisis efektivitas penggunaan bahan ajar. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah Re-search and Development dengan menggunakan desain pengembangan pembelajaran analysis, design, development, implementation, dan evaluation (ADDIE). Produk akhir penelitian ini berupa buku ajar yang telah divevaluasi oleh ahli materi, ahli de-sain, serta uji terbatas. Penelitian pengembangan ini menghasilkan (1) buku ajar ber-basis STAD dikembangkan berdasarkan hasil analisis kebutuhan (need assesment) siswa dan dapat digunakan pada pembelajaran IPS di SD, (2) buku ajar yang menarik bagi siswa dilihat dari respon siswa yang positif, dan (3) buku ajar yang bermanfaat untuk pembelajaran dilihat dari peningkatan hasil belajar siswa atau peningkatan jum-lah siswa yang tuntas KKM. Kata Kunci : buku ajar, hasil belajar, model STAD ABSTRACT This research aims to produce a product of a social studies lesson book based on the STAD, analyze kemenarikan and worthwhile teaching materials based on the STAD, and analyzing the effectiveness of the use of learning materials. This research appro-ach is the Research and Development using learning development design analysis, de-sign, development, implementation, and evaluation (ADDIE). The final product of this research in the form of teaching materials that have been evaluasi by experts in the matter, expert design and limited test. This development research produces (1) tea-ching book based on the STAD developed based on the results of a needs analysis (need assessing) students and can be used in social studies lessons at SD, (2) lesson book that interesting for the students viewed from the positive student response and (3) teaching book that are useful for teaching seen from the increase in student or an increase in the number of students who completed KKM. Keywords: teaching book, learning outcomes, STAD model date: 2016-10-05 type: Tesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/25106/1/ABSTRAK.pdf format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/25106/2/TESIS%20TANPA%20BAB%20PEMBAHASAN.pdf format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/25106/3/TESIS%20FULL.pdf identifier: Mistin Kusuma Hastuti, 1423053008 (2016) PENGEMBANGAN BUKU AJAR IPS BERBASIS STUDENT TEAM ACHIEVEMENT DIVISION UNTUK SISWA KELAS IV SEKOLAH DASAR. Masters thesis, Universitas Lampung. relation: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/25106/