title: PENGEMBANGAN BAHAN AJAR BAHASA LAMPUNG BERBASIS TEAMS GAMES TOURNAMENT creator: WARSIYEM , 1423045011 subject: LB Theory and practice of education subject: P Philology. Linguistics subject: PA Classical philology description: ABSTRAK Masalah penelitian hinji ngeliputi, kebutuhan ghik kondisi pembelajaran bahasa Lampung, pertimbangan ngembangko bahan ajar Bahasa Lampung, ghik efektifitas bahan ajar hasil pengembangan. Bedasarko permasalahan hena peneliti tetarik ghik beusaho ngegambarko kemampuan pengalaman bebahasa Lampung sai disappaiko dilom bahan ajar bahasa Lampung. Tujuan penelitian hinji ngemaparko kebutuhan, ghik kondisi pembelajaran bahasa Lampung, ngemaparko pertimbangan sai digunako, guwai nyusun bahan ajar bahasa Lampung, ngemaparko produk pengembangan, ngemaparko hasil pemakaian produk, ghik ngemaparko revisi produk pada hasil penelitian. Penelitian hinji ngegunako model Research and Development (R & D) Borg and Gall. Model sai wat ngedok sepuluh langkah, ghik pengembanganni jama peniliti di disederhanako ngejadi pitu langkah. Bedasarko kepitu langkah hena dibagi luwot ngejadi pak tahapan utama. Keempat tahapan ngeliputi; studi pendahuluan, pengembangan produk, pemakaian produk, ghik trianggulasi produk. Studi pendahuluan guwai mansa informasi awal tentang kebutuhan, ghik kondisi pembelajaran bahasa Lampung di pok penelitian. Pengembangan produk peneliti ngeguwai desain bahan ajar sesuai analisis kebutuhan. Pemakaian produk divalidasi pakar ahli, disimulasiko jama kelompok perseorangan, kelompok lunik, kelompok terbatas I, II, ghik jama pendidik. Pemakai produk pengembangan ngeniko penilaian jama cara ngejawab angket sai disediako peneliti. Produk penelitian direvisi berdasarko masukan, ghik pertimbangan kelompok-kelompok pemakai produk sina, ghik produk akhir ditrianggulasi jama pakar budaya Lampung. Hasil penelitian hinji iyulah produk bahan ajar, bebentuk buku teks bejudul Buku Teks Bahasa Lampung Berbasis Teams Games Tournament. Bahan ajar sina divalidasi pakar, ghik diujicobako pemakaianni jama kelompok perseorangan, kelompok lunik, kelompok terbatas, ghik pendidik. Validasi pakar ahli kegrafikan, penyajian, isi, ghik bahasa ngeniko penilaian; 65,5, 82,5, 62,5, 70,8. Jawaban penilaian responden kelompok perseorangan iyulah; 68,8, 71,9, 84,4. Kelompok lunik iyulah; 73,4, 81,3, 87,5. Pemakaian kelompok kelas terbatas I, II; 69,70,5 ghik pemakaian jama pendidik 77,7. Komulatif rerata nilai anjak jawaban penilaian unyin responden 74,8. Artini 75% produk bahan ajar sina dinyatako efektif, ghik layak, memenuhi indikator buku teks sesuai, jama lingkungan, kebutuhan, kehagaan, lay out, bahasa mudah dipandai, isi menarik, ilustrasi, ghik keterbacaan. Kata kunci: pengembangan, research and development, buku teks, ABSTRACT The development of this research is done as a way to answer the problem in the field where the policies of regional government obligate Lampung’s language as local content subject, but the fact in the field the teaching materials that is suitable to the subject is not available. This research is using Borg and Gall research and development (R & D) models. The ten steps developing models is simplified into seven steps and divided into three main steps, they are preliminary studies, developing product and developing result product. Research procedure is started by preliminary to get early information about text book availability and teaching materials need analysis in the school. Next step is the researcher makes a design and develop text book teaching materials based on team games tournament, practitioners evaluations or peers, expert test, personal test, small group test and limited group test. Developing product revision is done to get teaching materials product which is suitable and ready to be implemented. The data averages of personal respondence text book using test are: 68.8, 71.9 and 84.4 (suitable). The small group data averages using test are: 73.4, 81.3 and 87.5 (suitable). The result of the first limited group and the secounds, both of them are 32 students, the data obtained averages 69 and 70.5 (suitable), and the using of text book by pupils is obtained from the quisioner result answer is 77.1 (suitable). Thus, Lampung’s language text book based on team games tournament is suitable to be used as the students of grade VIII Junior High School Teaching materials. Key note: developing, research and development, text book. date: 2016-10-01 type: Tesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/25123/1/ABTSRAK%20%28ABSTRACT%29.pdf format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/25123/2/TESIS%20FULL.pdf format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/25123/3/TESIS%20TANPA%20BAB%20PEMBAHASAN.pdf identifier: WARSIYEM , 1423045011 (2016) PENGEMBANGAN BAHAN AJAR BAHASA LAMPUNG BERBASIS TEAMS GAMES TOURNAMENT. Masters thesis, UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG. relation: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/25123/