%0 Generic %A ELISA NURINDA PUTRI , 1211011173 %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2017 %F eprints:25148 %I FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS %T THE EFFECT OF JOB SATISFACTION AND WORK LOYALTY ON ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/25148/ %X This research placed in Bank Indonesia Bandar Lampung Representative Office, discusses about the influence of job satisfaction consist and work loyalty on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Bank Indonesia Bandar Lampung Representative Office. The variables are (1) job satisfaction that of work itself, supervision, workers, promotion and pay (2) work loyalty that consist of personal characteristic, job characteristic, characteristic design’s company and experience gained in work (3) Organizational Citizenship Behavior consist of altruism, conscientiousness, sportsmanship, courtesy and civic virtue. This research aims to search: (1) The influence of job satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (2) The influence of work loyalty on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (3) The influence of job satisfaction and work loyalty simultaneously on Organizational Citizenship Behavior. This research is catagorized as a survey research. Types of data used in this research is quantitative data or shaped number. The instrument of this research uses questionnaire. Population in this research is the employees include security of Bank Indonesia Bandar Lampung Representative Office numbered 73 people. Validity test uses Pearson Product Moment meanwhile the reability test uses Alpha Cronbach. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis is used to test the hypothesis in this research. The results of the study found that this research accepted the hypotheses: (1) Job satisfaction has positive and significant influence on employee’s performance in Bank Indonesia Bandar Lampung Representative Office. (2) Work loyalty has positive and significant influence on employee’s performance in Bank Indonesia Bandar Lampung Representative Office. (3) The job satisfaction and work loyalty together influence Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Bank Indonesia Bandar Lampung Representative Office. Work loyalty is the dominant variable. Suggestion for Bank Indonesia Bandar Lampung Representative Office are (1) Make a periodic survey about employees job desk related to their position in the department (2) Make a periodically survey about the knowledge of employees about existing activities in Bank Indonesia, so no one will miss the information (3) The author suggested to the next researchers have to focus on indicators that provide such influence that contribute to the work of the department and information activities in the company. Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Work Loyalty, Organizational Citizenship Behavior.