@misc{eprints25460, month = {Januari}, title = {LEGALITAS KEDUDUKAN WALIKOTA PALEMBANG PERIODE 2013-2018 }, author = {1312011320 SUHENDRI}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS HUKUM}, year = {2017}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/25460/}, abstract = {Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui legalitas kedudukan Walikota Palembang periode 2013-2018 yang diangkat berdasarkan Surat KeputusanMendagri Nomor 13.16-5050 Tentang pemberhentian Harnojoyo sebagai Pelaksana tugas Walikota Palembang dan mengangkatnya sebagai Walikota definitif menggantikan pasangannya Romi Herton yang menjadi terpidana padahalpasangan Romi-Harnosebelumnyatelah dimakzulkan oleh putusan DPRD Kota Palembang No. 6 Tahun 2014, dan telah dikabulkan oleh Mahkamah Agung melalui Putusan No.04 P/KHS/2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kasus (case approech), guna melihat penerapan hukum dalam praktik yang dipengaruhi penafsiran, analogi, serta tekanan sosial, politik yang melingkupinya.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pelantikan Harnodjoyo sebagai Walikota Definitif menggantikan Romi Herton atas dasar Surat Keputusan Mendagri secara administratif telah sesuai prosedur, namun secara yuridis maka Surat Keputusan Mendagri tersebut bertentangan dengan Putusan Mahkamah Agung tentang Pemakzulan pasangan kepala daerah tersebut. Sehingga Kedudukan Walikota Palembang Periode 2013-2018dapat dibatalkan. Kata Kunci: Legalitas, Kedudukan, Pemakzulan. THE LEGALITY OF THE POSITION OF MAYOR OF PALEMBANG PERIOD 2013-2018 This research aims to know the legality of the position of Mayor of Palembang period 2013-2018 to be appointed based on the decision letter of the Minister of the Interior Number 13 -5050 About the dismissal of Harnojoyo as Acting Mayor appointed him mayor of Palembang and definitive replaces his partner Romi Herton which becomes convicted person when couples Romi-Harno previously was deposed by the DPRD Palembang City Decision No. 6 by 2014, and has been granted through the Supreme Court's verdict No. 04 P/KHS/2014. This research uses the approach of the case (case approech), in order to see the application of the law in practice influenced interpretations, analogies, as well as social, political pressure that enclosing them. Research results show that Harnodjoyo inauguration as Mayor of Definitive substitute Romi Herton on the basis of decision letter of the Minister of the Interior has appropriate administrative procedures, but legally the decision letter of the Minister of the Interior then contrary to the ruling of the Supreme Court about the impeachment of the chief mate of the area. So the position of Mayor of Palembang Period 2013-2018 can be cancelled. Keywords: Legality, Position, Impeachment. } }