%A 1215051019 DIMAS TRIYONO %T ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN METODE MULTIPLE SUPPRESSION DENGAN WAVE EQUATION MULTIPLE REJECTION (WEMR), RADON TRANSFORM, DAN f-k FILTER PADA DATA SEISMIK LAPANGAN LAUT ?SERAM? %X Telah dilakukan proses penekanan multiple dengan melakukan penerapan single multiple suppression method pada data seismik serta melakukan penerapan kombinasi multiple suppression method dengan melakukan analisis dari hasil stack, gather, semblance velocity, dan spectral frequency. Penerapan single multiple suppression terdiri dari metode f-k filter , Radon Transform, dan Wave Equation Multiple Rejection (WEMR). Dari hasil stack f-k filter mampu mengatenuasi multiple water bottom dan peg-leg namun memblurkan data, hasil stack radon transform dapat mengatenuasi multiple water bottom dan peg-leg namun meninggalkan jejak tipis, sedangkan untuk WEMR dapat secara optimal mengeliminasi multiple-multiple tersebut. Pada metode penekanan multiple kombinasi metode yang paling baik adalah metode Radon Transform dan Wave Equation Multiple Rejection (WEMR) karena memberikan hasil yang lebih optimal dalam mengeliminasi multiple water bottom dan peg-leg. Hasil dari analisis gather menunjukkan multiple pada time 1800m/s dapat tereleminasi pada setiap metode, pada semblance velocity metode Radon Transform dapat secara optimal mereduksi velocity multiple yang konstan di velocity 1480-1500m/s, dan pada analisis spectral frequency metode kombinasi Radon Transform dan WEMR mampu secara optimal mengatenuasi multiple serta meningkatkan koherensi frekuensi data seismik pada rentang 30-60Hz. Kata Kunci : WEMR , f-k filter, Radon Transform , Water bottom multiple, Multiple Suppression Kombinasi COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS MULTIPLE SUPPRESSION METHODS WITH WAVE EQUATION MULTIPLE REJECTION (WEMR), RADON TRANSFORM, AND F-K FILTER IN SEISMIC MARINE DATA IN ?SERAM? FIELD Multiple Suppression was procced by single methods and combination methods on the marine seicmic data by doing analysis the results of stack section, seismic gather, semblance velocity and spectral frequencies to showing which methods have been properly to eliminating the mutliples. Implementation single methods it is from f-k filter method, Parabolic Radon Transform and Wave Equation Multiple Rejection (WEMR). From the results by single method such as f-k filter ,it can only be attenuates the water bottom and peg-leg multiples and could not to eliminate it and showing a smearing on the stack. In the other methods, Parabolic radon transform was able to atenuating water bottom and peg-leg multiple but not to eliminating cause having an artefact multiple in the stack. WEMR method be able to eliminating the multiples properly. On the combinations methods whose the best method to eliminating the multiples properly is Parabolic Radon Transform and Wave Equation Multiple Rejection (WEMR) combination because it provides a more optimal result to eliminating multiple water bottom and peg-leg instead of f-k and WEMR . Results of the analysis showing multiples in seismic gather at the time 1800 m/s can be eliminated on each methods. In the semblance velocity Radon Transform methods can eliminating the mutliple velocity on range 1480-1500 m/s, and the frequency analysis by spectral showing Parabolic Radon Transform and WEMR combination was able to elminitaing the water bottom and peg leg multiples and increasing the frequency coherence of seismic data in dominant seismic ranges 30-60 Hz. . Keyword : WEMR, f-k filter, Radon Transform, Water bottom multiple, Multiple Suppression Combination %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2017 %I FAKULTAS TEKNIK %L eprints25721