%A 1316011007 ANZANIS MARDIANA %T PENGARUH RAGAM SUKU LAMPUNG TERHADAP PENYELESAIAN KONFLIK (Studi pada Kelurahan Kedamaian dan Kelurahan Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung) %X ABSTRAK Suku lappung ngedok kesukuan sai menyebabkon keragoman delom masyarakat lappung. Kesukuan delom masyarakat lappung dapok ditinuk anjak semboyan hughik ulun Lappung yaina sai bumi ruwa jurai, sai ghetini sai bumi ngedok ghua kebudayaan sai bubida. Watni kesukuan delom masyarakat Lappung utawa dapok dicawa jama ragom suku ngedok potensi watni konflik sai terjadi. Watni penelitian siji bertujuan untuk mengepandai pengaruh ragom suku Lappung terhadop penyelesaian konflik di tiyuh Kedamaian ghiktiyuh Rajabasa, Kota Bandar Lappung. Penelitian siji menggunako metode kuantitatif jama penyebaran angket. Baka menentukon informan digunakan teknik quota random sampling sehingga jumlah responden delom penelitian siji watni 75 jelma. Delom penelitian siji ngedok hasil : keragoman suku Lappung mempengaruhi penyelesaian konflik sebalak 26,7 % ighahni dipengaruhi ulah faktor baghih sai mak diteliti. Kata Kunci : Keragoman, Penyelesaian Konflik ABSTRACT Lampung ethnic has many tribes that caused a diversity in Lampung society. The tribes in Lampung society can be seen from the Lampung life motto is ?sai bumi ruwai jurai?, which means that the earth has two differrent cutures . The existence of tribe variety in Lampung society has the potential for the conflict occurs. This research aimed to know the effect of Lampung tribe variety toward the conflict solution on the Kedamaian Village and Rajabasa Village, Bandar Lampung City. This research used a quantitative method with questionnaires. To determine informants, it was used a sampling random quota technique and the number of respondents in this research are 75 informants. The results in the research is: the Lampung ethnic diversity has a significant influence toward the conflict solution about 26,7% influenced by other factors are not accurate. Keywords : Diversity, Conflict Solution %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2017 %I FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK %L eprints25874