TY - THES ID - eprints25991 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/25991/ A1 - MIRNAWATI, 1426061024 Y1 - 2017/02/24/ N2 - Sampah sebagai dampak dari pembangunan dengan berbagai macam permasalahan, menuntut perhatian secara khusus dari pemerintah. Untuk menghadapi tantangan tersebut Pemerintah Kota Metro melakukan upaya-upaya dengan menggabungkan UPT Kebersihan dengan Dinas Tatakota dan Pariwisata Kota Metro untuk menciptakan efisiensi dan efektifitas dalam pelayanan kebersihan. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian diskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Peneliti menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumen. Adapun fokus penelitian adalah analisis kinerja Pengolahan Sampah di UPT Kebersihan Kota Metro dan penerapan prinsip-prinsip Good Governance di UPT Kebersihan Kota Metro. Hasil penelitian menujukkan Kinerja dari pengolahan sampah UPT Kebersihan Kota Metro cukup baik, Terbukti dengan kondisi kebersihan jalan utama, dan berprestasi, mampu mendapat piala Adipura, sebagai Kota Bersih, meningkatnya hasil Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) dari retribusi kebersihan Kota Metro, walaupun belum secara menyeluruh wilayah Kota Metro dapat terjangkau karena kurang nya jumlah Pekerja/ petugas pengakut sampah serta sarana dan prasarana yang kurang memadai, untuk Penerapan prinsip-prinsip Good Governance. Sedangkan prinsip efektivitas dan efisiensi pada UPT Kebersihan, memberikan sosialisasi tentang persampahan selama ini sudah berjalan baik dengan menempatkan tong tong sampah di tempat tempat umum, walaupun masih kurang tingkat kesadaran masyarakat membuang sampah pada tempatnya, karena kurangnya sosialisasi cara membuang sampah yang benar pada tempatnya. Untuk mengangkut sampah di Kota Metro Dinas Tata Kota dan Pariwisata (Distakopar) melalui UPT kebersihan mengandalkan 12 dump truck dan 6 amrol yang ditinggalkan di tempat pembuangan sementara (TPS) dan 7 unit bentor (becak montor)Bawa ke TPAS. Yang menjadi Kendala Penerapan prinsip-prinsip Good Governance di UPT Kebersihan Kota Metro yaitu Kendala Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM). Kata kunci : Kinerja, pengolahan ABSTRACT Waste as the impact of development with a variety of problems, demanding special attention from the government. To address these challenges, Metro City Government to make efforts to merge with the Office UPT Cleanliness Tatakota and tourism Metro City to create efficiency and effectiveness in the service of cleanliness. In this research using descriptive research method with qualitative approach. Researchers used data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documents. The focus of the research is the analysis of the performance of Waste in Metro City Sanitation Unit, and the application of the principles of Good Governance in UPT Cleanliness Metro City. The results showed Performance Of sewage treatment UPT Cleanliness Metro City quite well, evidenced by the hygiene conditions of the main road, and achievement, able to earn trophies Verse, a Clean City, increasing the results of revenue (PAD) from the levy cleanliness of Metro City, although it has not been thorough City area Metro accessible because of his lack of the number of worker / clerk pengakut garbage and facilities are inadequate, for the adoption of the principles of Good Governance, UPT Cleanliness Metro apply the principle of participation that the increased awareness and public confidence in the UPT Cleanliness Metro City with the volume of waste generated Metro city is quite high, it terihat of incoming data to Landfill Waste (TPAS) in Karangrejo Metro Tinur reached 210-225 cubic, public participation in the separation of household waste organic and inorganic, and physical activity / work devotion. While the principle of effectiveness and efficiency in UPT Cleanliness, provide socialization on waste has been running well by placing cans trash cans in public places, although it is still less than the level of public awareness dispose of waste in place, due to the lack of socialization how to dispose of garbage properly in place. To transport garbage in Metro City Department of City Planning and Tourism (Distakopar) through UPT cleanliness rely 12 and 6 amrol dump truck abandoned in a Dumpster (TPS) and 7 units bentor (rickshaw montor) Bring to TPAS. Which became Constraints Application of the principles of Good Governance in UPT Cleanliness Metro City is Constraints Human Resources (HR). And Financial Constraints. Keywords: Performance, management PB - Universitas Lampung M1 - masters TI - ANALISIS KINERJA PENGOLAHAN SAMPAH DI KOTA METRO (Studi di Tempat Pengolahan Akhir Sampah (TPAS) Kota Metro Tahun 2015) AV - restricted ER -