%0 Generic %A ELIYANA , 1214051029 %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2017 %F eprints:26131 %I FAKULTAS PERTANIAN %T EVALUASI SIFAT KIMIA DAN SENSORI TEMPE KEDELAI-JAGUNG DENGAN BERBAGAI KONSENTRASI RAGI RAPRIMA DAN BERBAGAI FORMULASI %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/26131/ %X Tujuan penelitian adalah mendapatkan perubahan sifat kimia dan sensori akibat perbedaan konsentrasi ragi dan perbedaan formulasi kedelai-jagung, serta mendapatkan konsentrasi ragi dan formulasi kedelai-jagung terbaik yang menghasilkan tempe kedelai-jagung dengan sifat kimia dan sensori terbaik. Penelitian ini menggunakan perlakuan faktorial dalam Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) dengan 2 faktor dan 3 ulangan. Faktor pertama yaitu formulasi kedelai dan jagung P1( P1 (90%:10%); P2 (80%:20%); P3(70%:30%); dan P4 (60%:40%) b/b dan faktor kedua konsentrasi ragi dengan tiga taraf yaitu 0,5%; 1% ; dan 1,5% b/b. Data dianalisis sidik ragam dan uji lanjut dengan uji Polinomial Ortogonal pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi konsentrasi ragi meningkatkan nilai pH, kadar abu, kadar protein, dan kadar serat kasar tempe kedelai-jagung. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi jagung meningkatkan kadar air dan aroma, namun menurunkan kadar lemak tempe kedelai-jagung. Perlakuan terbaik pada konsentrasi ragi 1,5% dan formulasi kedelai-jagung 60%;40% yang menghasilkan kekompakan tempe iv kedelai-jagung dengan skor 3,37 (agak kompak), warna dengan skor 3,13 (agak putih kekuningan), aroma dengan skor 3,82 (khas tempe kedelai-jagung), dan penerimaan keseluruhan dengan skor 3,32 (agak suka), pH sebesar 4,62-5,10, kadar air sebesar 70,54%, kadar abu sebesar 1,36%, kadar lemak sebesar 11,11%, kadar protein sebesar 12,72%, dan kadar serat kasar sebesar 8,46%. Kata kunci : ragi, Raprima, tempe kedelai-jagung ABSTRACT The purposes of research were to obtain the changes of chemical and sensory properties due to differences in yeast concentration and defferent of formulatation, the best of yeast concentration and formulation soybean-corn that produced the soybean-corn tempeh with the best chemical and sensory properties. The factorial experiment was arranged in a Complete Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with two factors and 3 replications. The first factor was formulation of soybean:corn P1 (90%:10%); P2 (80%:20%); P3(70%:30%); and P4 (60%:40%) w/w and the second factor was the yeast concentration with three levels; 0,5%; 1% ; and 1,5% w/w. The data were analyzed using ANOVA and further tested using Orthogonal Polynomials at levels of 5%. The results showed that the higher concentration of yeast on the soybean-corn tempeh increased the level of pH, ash content, protein content, and crude fiber soybean-corn tempeh. The higher concentration of corn added in the formulation has caused the increased of the moisture and flavor but decrease in the fat soybean-corn tempeh. The best treatment was found in yeast concentration 1,5% and formulation of soybean-corn 60%:40%. The tempeh iii recieved sensory test score of 3,37 compactness (rather compact), 3,13 for color (rather yellowish white), 3,82 for aroma (typical tempeh soybean-corn), and for acceptance of the overall 3,32 (rather like), pH was 4,62-5,10, moisture of 70,54%, ash content of 1,36%, the fat content of 11,11%, protein of 12,72 and crude fiber of 8,46%. Key words: Raprima, soybean-corn tempeh, yeast