%A Mardiana Mardiana %A Dikpride Despa %A Herri Gusmedi %A Gigih Forda Nama %T Aplikasi Monitoring Sistem Kelistrikan JTE Unila Berbasis BCM2835 %X University of Lampung (Unila), particularly the Department of Electrical Engineering (JTE) always strives to provide the best service electricity system to optimize the utilization of existing internet access. There are several electrical quantities that need to be considered and maintained its quality, so it needs to be monitored in real time, i.e.: voltage, current, cos phi, power and electrical energy consumption. Step-down transformer and a current sensor ACS712-30A are the main component for measuring voltage and current. While the values of other electrical quantities are obtained from the calculation using the Python programming based Single Board Computer BCM2835 or Raspberry Pi. Measurement and calculation results can be monitored using electrical system monitoring applications based on web. The results-based monitoring application using electrical system monitoring applications has demonstrated that the pattern of consumption of electrical energy, voltage, current, power, cos phi between the phase at JTE buildings tend to be unbalanced. Key word : electrical system monitoring, real time, voltage sensor, current sensor, BCM2835, JTE Unila %C Hotel Lombok Raya Mataram, Indonesia %D 2016 %P 371-375 %L eprints26357