@misc{eprints26498, month = {Maret}, title = {AN ANALYSIS OF STUDENT?S GRAMMATICAL ERRORS IN WRITING REPORT TEXT AT SECOND GRADE OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL }, author = {1313042025 DESTA TRIRIZKI LIASARI}, address = {UNIVERSITY OF LAMPUNG}, publisher = {TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY}, year = {2017}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/26498/}, abstract = {ABSTRACT The main objective of the study was to investigate the common types of errors committed by the second grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung in their report text. Theoretically, this research intends to identify, to classify, and then eventually to reveal the proportion of each error type made by the students. Additionally, the study also aimed at describing the differences of errors produced by two sorts of groups of the students, namely low level group and high level group, in which the students were categorized in both groups under the base of their scores in writing report text. The design used in this study was qualitative research that employed descriptive method. The subjects were the second year students of SMA Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung, more specifically the students at class XI IPA 4. The instrument was writing task in form of report text. All grammatical errors appeared were analyzed on the basis of surface strategy taxonomy and communicative effect taxonomy. The findings of the present study revealed that the students produced all forms of errors included in both surface strategy taxonomy and communicative effect taxonomy in their report texts. Total number of errors made by students was 182. In term of surface strategy taxonomy, the students committed errors in all types: 58 errors in form of omission (32\%), 28 errors in form of addition (16 \%), 82 errors in form of misformation (44 \%), and 14 errors in form of misordering (8\%). The while, in term of communicative effect taxonomy, the students also made errors in all forms: 26 errors included in global error (14 \%) and 156 errors included in local error (86 \%). Meanwhile, there were differences that were found between high and low level students. The students that were categorized as high level just made three types of errors based on Surface Strategy Taxonomy they are, omission, addition, and misformation. But, low level students made all types of errors based on Surface Strategy Taxonomy. And the high level students made higher addition error than low level students. As can be noticed from the results, it could be inferred that although the students are taught English about 12 hours in a week, they still have serious problems in applying English grammatical rule. In other words, they still most frequently make many grammatical errors in writing an English composition. Keywords: Grammatical Error, Surface Strategy Taxonomy, Communicative Effect Taxonomy. } }