%A 1421031057 M. Sholeh Ghifari %T DAMPAK KOMPENSASI TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI DENGAN MOTIVASI SEBAGAI VARIABEL INTERVENING ATAS PENERAPAN PMA. 46 TAHUN 2014 Studi Pada Kantor Urusan Agama di Provinsi Lampung %X Besarnya biaya nikah dan rujuk yang menjadi polemik Kementerian Agama, disebabkan tambahan biaya berupa imbalan yang dianggap sebagai gratifikasi serta maraknya pungutan diatas ketentuan, menggambarkan bahwa kinerja pegawai Kementerian Agama dinilai sangat rendah. Terbitnya PMA. 46 Tahun 2014 tentang pendayagunaan PNBP atas biaya nikah dan rujuk dalam pemberian kompensasi, diharapkan mampu menanggulangi permasalahan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis kuantitatif data primer untuk mengetahui dampak kompensasi terhadap kinerja pegawai dengan motivasi sebagai variabel intervening, pada 199 Kantor Urusan Agama di Provinsi Lampung, dengan sampel sebanyak 77 pegawai penghulu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa pemberian kompensasi finansial maupun kompensasi non finansial berdasarkan PMA. 46 Tahun 2014, berpengaruh positif secara tidak langsung terhadap kinerja pegawai melalui motivasi pegawai penghulu di Provinsi Lampung. Semakin baik dan adil tingkat kompensasi yang diberikan akan meningkatkan motivasi pengawai penghulu, sehingga tingkat kinerja pengawai menjadi lebih baik sesuai tujuan yang diharapkan. Kata kunci: kompensasi finasial, kompensasi non finansial, motivasi, kinerja pegawai ABSTRACT The high cost of marriage and reconciliation, which became the polemic of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, due to additional fees in the form of rewards that are considered as gratification and rampant levies above the provisions, illustrates that the performance of Ministry of Religious employees is considered very low. The issuance of PMA 46 of 2014 on the utilization of Non-Tax State Revenues on the cost of marriage and reconcile in the compensation is expected to be able to overcome the problem. This research uses quantitative analysis of primary data to know the impact of compensation on employee performance with motivation as intervening variable at Office of Religious Affairs in Lampung Province. The study was taken from 199 Office of Religious Affairs in Lampung Province, with a sample of 77 chieftain employees. The results showed that the provision of financial compensation and non-financial compensation based on PMA 46 of 2014, have an indirectly positive effect on employee performance through the motivation of clerk employees in Lampung Province. The better and fairer the level of compensation given will increase the motivation of the chieftain officer, so that the performance level of the employees will be better as expected. Keywords : compensation financially, non-financial compensation, motivation, employee performance. %D 2017 %I UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %L eprints26666