%A 142304203 PANJI WISASTRA %T CONSCIOUSNESS-RAISING STRATEGY IN DEVELOPING ELT STUDENTS? SPEAKING ACCURACY %X ABSTRACT CONSCIOUSNESS-RAISING STRATEGY IN DEVELOPING ELT STUDENTS? SPEAKING ACCURACY By PANJI WISASTRA This research aimed at finding out if consciousness-raising strategy could improve the students? speaking accuracy consciousness and performance. The research used one group pre test-post test design. 26 students of English department at Lampung University became the sample. The researcher used questionnaire and speaking test. Table of specification was provided to achieve the construct validity of the questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was very high reliability (0.936). To achieve the content validity of the speaking test, the test was composed based on the indicators in the syllabus of higher education curriculum and to achieve the construct validity, the test measured the students? speaking accuracy. The reliability of the pre-test was 0.759 and the reliability of the post-test was 0.799. It means the raters had substantial agreement in evaluating the students? speaking accuracy. The data were analyzed statistically by using Paired Sample T -test. For the students? speaking accuracy consciousness, the T-value (6.074) is higher than the T-table (2.060) with alpha level 0.000 or lower than 0.05 (? ? 0.05). It means there is a significant improvement in the students? speaking accuracy. And for the students? speaking accuracy performance, the T-value (26.820) is higher than the T-table (2.060) with alpha level 0.000 or lower than 0.05 (? ? 0.05). It means there is a significant improvement in the students? speaking accuracy. Therefore, consciousness- raising strategy can be recommended for teachers to improve their students? speaking accuracy. Key Words: speaking accuracy, consciousness-raising, strategy %D 2017 %I UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %L eprints26850