@misc{eprints26870, month = {Mei}, title = {SINTESIS, KARAKTERISASI, DAN UJI PENDAHULUAN SENYAWA TURUNAN TRIFENILTIMAH(IV) BENZOAT SEBAGAI ANTIMALARIA }, author = {1317011011 Della Mita Andini}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM}, year = {2017}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/26870/}, abstract = {Sintesis senyawa trifeniltimah(IV) 4-klorobenzoat dan trifeniltimah(IV) 4- hidroksibenzoat telah berhasil dilakukan. Sintesis diawali dengan mereaksikan senyawa antara trifeniltimah(IV) hidroksida dengan ligan karboksilat yaitu asam 4-klorobenzoat dan asam 4-hidroksibenzoat dalam pelarut metanol dengan perbandingan mol 1:1. Kedua senyawa yang diperoleh berupa serbuk berwarna putih dengan rendemen masing-masing 98,89\% dan 92,40\%. Senyawa hasil sintesis telah divalidasi menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis, IR, spektrometer NMR dan microelemental analyzer. Senyawa hasil sintesis selanjutnya diuji aktivitas antimalarianya terhadap parasit Plasmodium falciparum strain 3D7 secara in vitro. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa trifeniltimah(IV) 4- klorobenzoat dan trifeniltimah(IV) 4-hidroksibenzoat berpotensi sebagai obat malaria namun kedua senyawa tersebut kurang efektif jika dibandingkan dengan klorokuin. Kata Kunci : antimalaria, Plasmodium falciparum, turunan trifeniltimah(IV)benzoat ABSTRACT Synthesis of triphenyltin(IV) 4-chlorobenzoate and triphenyltin(IV) 4- hydroxybenzoate has been successfully performed. Synthesis was commenced by reacting the triphenyltin(IV) hydroxyde intermediates with the carboxylate ligands as 4-chlorobenzoic acid and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid in methanol with ratio 1:1. Both of the compounds were produced as white solid the yield of 98.89\% and 92.40\%, respectively. The yields were validated using UV-Vis, infrared spectrophotometer, NMR spectrometer and microelemental analyzer. The synthesized compounds were tested of the antimalarial activity towards Plasmodium falciparum strain 3D7 parasite. Preliminary test result showed that the triphenyltin(IV) 4-chlorobenzoate and triphenyltin(IV) 4-hydroxybenzoate were potential as malarial drugs but they were less effective than chloroquine. Keyword: antimalarial, Plasmodium falciparum, triphenyltin(IV) benzoate derivatives } }