@misc{eprints27120, month = {Februari}, title = {MODAL SOSIAL DALAM PENGELOLAAN AGROFORESTRI DI KESATUAN PENGELOLAAN HUTAN LINDUNG RAJABASA Oleh ROZANTINA YUNICA }, author = {(1214151057) ROZANTINA YUNICA}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS PERTANIAN}, year = {2017}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/27120/}, abstract = {Pengelolaan agroforestri oleh masyarakat di wilayah hutan negara, khususnya hutan lindung, sangat erat kaitannya dengan partisipasi masyarakat yang dipengaruhi oleh modal sosialnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana modal sosial menjadi unsur pokok dalam mendukung pengembangan pengelolaan hutan melalui pola tanam agroforestri di wilayah Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Lindung. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara kepada pengurus dan anggota Lembaga Pengelola Hutan Desa (LPHD) Desa Sumur Kumbang, serta stakeholders terkait. Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan mengkaji unsur-unsur modal sosial berupa: kepercayaan, solidaritas, kerjasama, peran, aturan, jaringan dan tingkat modal sosial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepercayaan, solidaritas dan jaringan tergolong baik; namun kerjasama dan aturan tergolong dalam keadaan sedang, serta peran tergolong ke dalam keadaan tidak baik. Berdasarkan unsur-unsur tersebut, maka tingkat modal sosial dapat dikategorikan ke dalam elementary social capital. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan sikap anggota LPHD yang Rozantina Yunica lebih mengutamakan kepentingan diri sendiri dan bersedia bekerjasama bila menguntungkan dirinya. Pemerintah dapat menggunakan modal sosial di masyarakat dan melakukan penguatan kelembagaan lokal untuk mendukung pengelolaan hutan lindung di wilayahnya secara berkelanjutan melalui pola tanam agroforestri. Kata kunci: agroforestri, hutan desa, kesatuan pengelolaan hutan lindung, modal sosial, pengelolaan hutan berbasis masyarakat. ABSTRACT Agroforestry management by communities in the state forest area, particularly protection forest, is closely associated with public participation which influenced by social capital. This study was conducted to determine how social capital becomes an essential element in supporting the development of forest management through agroforestry cropping pattern in the Protected Forest Management Unit areas. The data collection was done by interviewing the management and members of the Village Forest Management Institute (LPHD) of Sumur Kumbang Village, as well as related stakeholders. Those data were analyzed descriptively by examining the social capital elements namely confidence, solidarity, cooperation, roles, rules, networks and levels of social capital. The results shown that trust, solidarity and the network was good; but cooperation and rules was medium, and the aspect of role was not good. Based on these elements, the level of social capital categorized into elementary social capital which shown by the attitude of LPHD members who prefer the self-interest and willing to cooperate as far as beneficial for himself. The government Rozantina Yunica is capable to manage the social capital in communities, so then could strengthen the local institutions to support the management of protected areas in the region in a sustainable manner through agroforestry cropping pattern. Key words : agroforestry, community based forest management, protection forest management unit, sosial capital, village forest.} }