TY - THES ID - eprints27163 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/27163/ A1 - SEPTRIANINGSIH, 1526021033 Y1 - 2017/05/18/ N2 - Undang Undang nomor 15 Tahun 2011 Tentang Penyelenggara Pemilu hanya menetapkan syarat bahwa anggota timsel berpendidikan paling rendah S-1 dan berusia paling rendah 30 (tiga puluh) tahun. Persyaratan yang sangat minim mengingat kinerja dan kewenangan yang nantinya dimiliki oleh seorang anggota timsel sangat luas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : 1) pola penetapan timsel rekrutmen anggota KPU Kabupaten Lampung Barat dan Tulang Bawang 2) standar kualifikasi dan kompetensi yang digunakan KPU Provinsi Lampung dalam menetapkan timsel, 3) apakah kredibilitas menjadi faktor penentu dalam penetapan timsel. Tipe penelitian adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data berupa hasil wawancara dengan informan, dokumen kepustakaan dan hasil penelitian ilmiah. Informan dipilih dengan sengaja (purposive). Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dan studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis data dengan (1) teknik reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1. Proses penetapan timsel anggota KPU Kabupaten Tulang Bawang dan Lampung Barat dilaksanakan melalui tiga kegiatan yaitu pengumuman pendaftaran timsel rekrutmen anggota KPU Kabupaten/kota, seleksi administrasi, dan rapat pleno penetapan timsel rekrutmen Anggota KPU Kabupaten/Kota sedangkan pola penetapannya adalah tidak sepenuhnya merit system dimana penetapannya berdasarkan pada keahlian dan kompetensi namun bukan keahlian dan kompetensi dalam hal kepemiluan. 2. Standar kualifikasi dan kompetensi yang digunakan dalam menetapkan timsel anggota KPU Kabupaten Tulang Bawang dan Lampung Barat antara lain keahlian, pengalaman, umur, pendidikan, temperamen, karakter, keterampilan, pengetahuan, peran sosial, citra diri, sifat/ciri, dan motif. 3. Kredibilitas menjadi faktor penentu dalam penetapan timsel anggota KPU Kabupaten Tulang Bawang dan Lampung Barat karena unsur pembentuknya yaitu kompetensi dan pengalaman menjadi standar kualifikasi dalam proses penetapan timsel. Kata kunci : Penetapan, tim seleksi, Komisi Pemilihan Umum ABSTRACT The constitution number 15 of 2011 about the election organization board only stipulates that the member of selection team only required S-1 education with minimum aged 30 (thirty) years old. This requirements are very minimum considering the performance and the authority which will be owned by the selection team are very spacious. The purpose of this research is to know : 1) the determination pattern of selection team in recruitment of the member of local electoral commission (KPU) at Tulang Bawang and West Lampung, 2) qualification and competency standard used by Lampung Provincial Election Commission in determining selection team, 3) whether credibility is the determining factor in determining the selection team. This type of research is descriptive with qualitative approach. Sources of data are result of interviews with informants, documents, literature and the results of scientific research. Informants chosen deliberately (purposive). Data collected through in-depth interviews and literature study. Data analysis techniques with data reduction techniques, display data and inference. The results of research showed 1. the process of determining selection team for recruitment the members of Local Electoral Comission (KPU) at Tulang Bawang and West Lampung is conducted through three activities, whics is the announcement registration of team selection for recruitment the members of Local Electoral Commission (KPU), administrative selection and the plenum determination of selection team for recruitment the member of Local Electoral Commission (KPU) and the Determination pattern of that selection is not completely merit system where is adopted base on the expertise and competence of the candidate but the expertise and competence not in terms of election. 2. Standard qualifications and competences that used to determine the selection team for recruitment the member of Local Electoral Commission (KPU) at Tulang Bawang and West Lampung are expertise, experience, age, education, temperament, character, skills, knowledge, social roles, self-image, nature/traits, and motives. 3. Credibility become the define factor in determining the selection team for the member of Local Electoral Commission at Tulang Bawang and West Lampung because of its framer elements which is competence and experience, that becoming qualification standards for determination process of the selection team. Keywords: determination, selection team, local commission election (KPU) PB - UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG M1 - masters TI - POLA PENETAPAN TIM SELEKSI ANGGOTA KOMISI PEMILIHAN UMUM (KPU) KABUPATEN/KOTA DALAM REKRUTMEN ANGGOTA KPU KABUPATEN TULANG BAWANG DAN LAMPUNG BARAT TAHUN 2014 AV - restricted ER -