@misc{eprints27212, month = {Juni}, title = {BUILDING STUDENTS? SELF CONFIDENCE IN SPEAKING THROUGH GROUP DISCUSSION OF THE SECOND GRADE AT SMAN 8 BANDAR LAMPUNG }, author = {1313042005 AGUNG PUTRA M }, address = {LAMPUNG UNIVERSITY }, publisher = {ARTS AND LANGUAGE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY }, year = {2017}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/27212/}, abstract = {ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to find out whether (i) group discussion improves students? self-confidence and (ii) there is an improvement in students? speaking ability after the implementation of group discussion. The subjects were the second grade students of SMAN 8 Bandar Lampung. The design of the research was quantitative analysis. Speaking test and questionnaire were used to elicit the data. Paired sample t-test was used to analyze the data of speaking result and self-confidence questionnaire. The result of this research showed that the group discussion significantly improved the students? self-confidence and students? speaking achievement. The self-confidence?s paired t-test result shows that t-value (4462) is bigger than the t-table (2145) with p=0.001 which means, there is an improvement of students? self confidence. Similarly, the students? speaking achievement also improved after the implementation of group discussion. It is shown by the paired sample t-test result of the speaking tests, t-value (2412) is bigger than t-table (2145) with p= 0.03 This suggests that group discussion activity triggers students? motivation in exploring their speaking skill. Likewise, the speaking skill, group discussion builds students? self-confidence. Keywords: group discussion, speaking ability, self-confidence.   } }