TY - THES ID - eprints27276 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/27276/ A1 - Fatih Istiqomah, 1423053036 Y1 - 2017/06/21/ N2 - Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan produk LKPD tematik yang disusun berbasis model guided discovery learning yang efektif pada pembelajaran di SD. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan dari Borg and Gall. Populasi penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas IV di Gugus Cut Nyak Dien yang berjumlah 200 peserta didik. Sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 36 peserta didik yang diperoleh dengan teknik multi stage random sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa angket penilaian validitas produk, angket respon peserta didik terhadap LKPD tematik berbasis guided discovery learning dan soal hasil tes belajar peserta didik. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan LKPD tematik berbasis guided discovery learning melalui tahapan uji ahli materi, uji ahli desain, uji terbatas, uji diperluas dan dinyatakan sangat baik untuk diterapkan di SD, LKPD tematik berbasis guided discovery learning yang dihasilkan efektif digunakan pada peserta didik kelas IV di SD Gugus Cut Nyak Dien. Kata Kunci : guided discovery learning, LKPD, hasil belajar. ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to produce the thematic worksheet product which is based on effective guided discovery learning model on the learning in elementary school. This type of research is the research and development of Borg and Gall. The population of the study were students of class IV in Cut Nyak Dien cluster which amounted to 200 students. The sample of this study were 36 students obtained by multi stage random sampling technique. The instrument used in this research is a questionnaire of product validity assessment, questionnaire response of students to thematic worksheet based on guided discovery learning and test results of learners. Data analysis using qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques. The results showed that the development of guided discovery learning thematic worksheet through testing material expert stage, design expert test, limited test, expanded test and expressed very well to be applied in elementary, guided discovery learning thematic worksheet generated effectively used in students class IV in elementary school Gugus Cut Nyak Dien Keywords : guided discovery learning, worksheet, learning outcomes. PB - UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG M1 - masters TI - PENGEMBANGAN LEMBAR KERJA PESERTA DIDIK TEMATIK BERBASIS GUIDED DISCOVERY LEARNING AV - restricted ER -